status 0.0.7

Error container


Status: An Error container for Rust.

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An Error container lowers the overhead for reporting the status via Result<_, E>.

Unlike the error-wrapping pattern found in cargo and generalized in anyhow, the pattern implemented in Status comes from some proprietary C++ projects which try to address the following requirements:

  • Programmatically respond to both the Kind of status and the metadata, or Context, of the status.
  • Dealing with error-sites not knowing enough to describe the error but allowing the Context to be built gradually when unwinding and a function has relevant information to add.
  • Localizing the rendered message.
  • Allowing an application to make some phrasing native to its UX.
  • Preserving all of this while passing through FFI, IPC, and RPC.

These requirements are addressed by trading off some usability due to having a more cookie-cutter approach to error messages. The Kind serves as a static description of the error that comes from a general, fixed collection. Describing the exact problem and tailored remediation is the responsibility of the Context which is generally key-value pairs.

For more, see


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.