statsd-parser 0.2.0

Library to parse (Dog)StatsD strings

(Dog)statsD Parser

Build Status Crate

Parses (Dog)StatsD strings and returns a normalized struct.

All standard StatsD metric types are implemented. For DogStatsD sample rates and tags are implemented.

use statsd_parser;

fn test_statsd_counter_with_sample_rate_and_tags() {
    let mut tags = BTreeMap::new();
    tags.insert("foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string());
    tags.insert("moo".to_string(), "maa".to_string());

    let expected = Metric::Counter(Counter {
        name: "gorets".to_string(),
        value: 1.0,
        sample_rate: Some(0.9),
        tags: Some(tags)

    assert_eq!(parse("gorets:1|c|@0.9|#foo:bar,moo:maa"), Ok(expected));


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