staticvec 0.11.9

Implements a fixed-capacity stack-allocated Vec alternative backed by an array, using const generics.
use super::{StaticString, StringError};
use core::slice::from_raw_parts;
use core::str::from_utf8_unchecked;

/// Unsafely marks a branch as unreachable.
pub(crate) unsafe fn never(s: &str) -> ! {
  core::panic!("{}", s);

// UTF-8 ranges and tags for encoding characters.
const TAG_CONT: u8 = 0b1000_0000;
const TAG_TWO_B: u8 = 0b1100_0000;
const TAG_THREE_B: u8 = 0b1110_0000;
const TAG_FOUR_B: u8 = 0b1111_0000;
const MAX_ONE_B: u32 = 0x80;
const MAX_TWO_B: u32 = 0x800;
const MAX_THREE_B: u32 = 0x10000;

/// Encodes `character` into `string` at the specified position.
pub(crate) const unsafe fn encode_char_utf8_unchecked<const N: usize>(
  string: &mut StaticString<N>,
  character: char,
  index: usize,
) {
  let dest = string.vec.mut_ptr_at_unchecked(index);
  let code = character as u32;
  if code < MAX_ONE_B {
    dest.write(code as u8);
    string.vec.set_len(string.len() + 1);
  } else if code < MAX_TWO_B {
    dest.write((code >> 6 & 0x1F) as u8 | TAG_TWO_B);
    dest.offset(1).write((code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    string.vec.set_len(string.len() + 2);
  } else if code < MAX_THREE_B {
    dest.write((code >> 12 & 0x0F) as u8 | TAG_THREE_B);
    dest.offset(1).write((code >> 6 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    dest.offset(2).write((code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    string.vec.set_len(string.len() + 3);
  } else {
    dest.write((code >> 18 & 0x07) as u8 | TAG_FOUR_B);
    dest.offset(1).write((code >> 12 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    dest.offset(2).write((code >> 6 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    dest.offset(3).write((code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT);
    string.vec.set_len(string.len() + 4);

/// Fast `const` compatible version of `encode_utf8` for chars with a known length greater than one.
pub(crate) const fn encode_utf8_raw(code: u32, len: usize) -> [u8; 4] {
  let mut res = [0u8; 4];
  match (len, &mut res) {
    (2, [a, b, ..]) => {
      *a = (code >> 6 & 0x1F) as u8 | TAG_TWO_B;
      *b = (code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
    (3, [a, b, c, ..]) => {
      *a = (code >> 12 & 0x0F) as u8 | TAG_THREE_B;
      *b = (code >> 6 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
      *c = (code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
    (4, [a, b, c, d]) => {
      *a = (code >> 18 & 0x07) as u8 | TAG_FOUR_B;
      *b = (code >> 12 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
      *c = (code >> 6 & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
      *d = (code & 0x3F) as u8 | TAG_CONT;
    _ => panic!("Bug in `encode_utf8_raw!"),

macro_rules! shift_right_unchecked {
  ($self_var:expr, $from_var:expr, $to_var:expr) => {
      $from_var as usize <= $to_var as usize
        && $to_var as usize + $self_var.len() - $from_var as usize <= $self_var.capacity()
    let mp = $self_var.vec.as_mut_ptr();
      .copy_to(mp.add($to_var), $self_var.len() - $from_var);

macro_rules! shift_left_unchecked {
  ($self_var:expr, $from_var:expr, $to_var:expr) => {
    debug_assert!($to_var as usize <= $from_var as usize && $from_var as usize <= $self_var.len());
    let mp = $self_var.vec.as_mut_ptr();
      .copy_to(mp.add($to_var), $self_var.len() - $from_var);

/// Returns an error if `size` is greater than `limit`.
pub(crate) const fn is_inside_boundary(size: usize, limit: usize) -> Result<(), StringError> {
  match size <= limit {
    false => Err(StringError::OutOfBounds),
    true => Ok(()),

/// Returns an error if `index` is not at a valid UTF-8 character boundary.
pub(crate) const fn str_is_char_boundary(s: &str, index: usize) -> bool {
  let len = s.len();
  if index == 0 || index == len {
  } else if index > len {
  } else {
    unsafe { (*s.as_ptr().add(index)) as i8 >= -0x40 }

/// Returns an error if `index` is not at a valid UTF-8 character boundary.
pub(crate) fn is_char_boundary<const N: usize>(
  string: &StaticString<N>,
  index: usize,
) -> Result<(), StringError> {
  match str_is_char_boundary(string.as_str(), index) {
    false => Err(StringError::NotCharBoundary),
    true => Ok(()),

/// Truncates `slice` to the specified size (ignoring the last few bytes if they form a partial
/// `char`).
pub(crate) const fn truncate_str(slice: &str, size: usize) -> &str {
  if str_is_char_boundary(slice, size) {
    unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(from_raw_parts(slice.as_ptr(), size)) }
  } else if size < slice.len() {
    let mut index = size - 1;
    while !str_is_char_boundary(slice, index) {
      index -= 1;
    unsafe { from_utf8_unchecked(from_raw_parts(slice.as_ptr(), index)) }
  } else {

/// Macro to avoid code duplication in `char`-pushing methods.
macro_rules! push_char_unchecked_internal {
  ($self_var:expr, $char_var:expr, $len:expr) => {
    match $len {
      1 => unsafe { $self_var.vec.push_unchecked($char_var as u8) },
      _ => {
        let old_length = $self_var.len();
        unsafe {
          $crate::string::string_utils::encode_utf8_raw($char_var, $len)
            .copy_to_nonoverlapping($self_var.vec.mut_ptr_at_unchecked(old_length), $len);
          $self_var.vec.set_len(old_length + $len);

/// Macro to avoid code duplication in `&str`-pushing methods.
macro_rules! push_str_unchecked_internal {
  ($self_var:expr, $str_var:expr, $self_len_var:expr, $str_len_var:expr) => {
    unsafe {
      let dest = $self_var.vec.mut_ptr_at_unchecked($self_len_var);
      $str_var.as_ptr().copy_to_nonoverlapping(dest, $str_len_var);
      $self_var.vec.set_len($self_len_var + $str_len_var);

mod tests {
  use super::*;
  use core::str::from_utf8;

  fn truncate() {
    assert_eq!(truncate_str("i", 10), "i");
    assert_eq!(truncate_str("iiiiii", 3), "iii");
    assert_eq!(truncate_str("🤔🤔🤔", 5), "🤔");
    assert_eq!(truncate_str("🤔🤔🤔", 0), "");

  fn shift_right() {
    let mut ls = StaticString::<20>::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
    unsafe {
      shift_right_unchecked!(ls, 0usize, 4usize);
    unsafe { ls.vec.set_len(ls.len() + 4) };
    assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdabcdefg");

  fn shift_left() {
    let mut ls = StaticString::<20>::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
    unsafe {
      shift_left_unchecked!(ls, 1usize, 0usize);
    unsafe { ls.vec.set_len(ls.len() - 1) };
    assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "bcdefg");

  fn shift_nop() {
    let mut ls = StaticString::<20>::try_from_str("abcdefg").unwrap();
    unsafe {
      shift_right_unchecked!(ls, 0usize, 0usize);
    assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdefg");
    unsafe {
      shift_left_unchecked!(ls, 0usize, 0usize);
    assert_eq!(ls.as_str(), "abcdefg");

  fn encode_char_utf8() {
    let mut string = StaticString::<20>::default();
    unsafe {
      encode_char_utf8_unchecked(&mut string, 'a', 0);
      assert_eq!(from_utf8(&string.as_mut_bytes()).unwrap(), "a");
      let mut string = StaticString::<20>::try_from_str("a").unwrap();
      encode_char_utf8_unchecked(&mut string, '🤔', 1);
      assert_eq!(from_utf8(&string.as_mut_bytes()[..5]).unwrap(), "a🤔");