stati 0.3.1-beta

A library for progress (bars)
# stati

Rust library for progress bars


currently very unfinished, semi-undocumented, and requires nightly rust to build,
as it is still very much in development.

## Installation

This currently requires nightly rust, so first setup the nightly toolchain:

rustup override set nightly

Then add this line to your `Cargo.toml`

stati = "0.3.1-beta"

## Usage

This is a simple example of how to create and progress a progress bar

use std::thread;

extern crate stati;

let mut manager = BarManager::<stati::bars::SimpleBar>::new();
let mut bar = manager.new_bar::<bars::SimpleBar>("Working...".into());
for i in 0..=100 {

To print text while using a progress bar, use the `println` and `print` macros like so

let mut manager = BarManager::new();
stati::println!(manager, "Made some progress");

## Why?

Many progress bars that I have used in the past
have suffered from issues such as not being able to have
multiple bars at once, or not being able to print other messages
while a bar was running. this crate aims to solve all of these issues,
and generaly make it much nicer to use.

## Lisence