stateright 0.29.0

A model checker for implementing distributed systems.
use crate::{Model, Path};
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

/// A visitor to apply to every [`Path`] of the checked [`Model`].
/// Implementations include [`PathRecorder`], [`StateRecorder`], and
/// `impl<M: Model> `[`Fn`]`(Path<M::State, M::Action>)`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use stateright::*; let model = ();
/// model.checker()
///     .visitor(|p: Path<_, _>| println!("\t{:?}", p.last_state()))
///     .spawn_dfs().join();
/// ```
pub trait CheckerVisitor<M: Model> {
    /// The method to apply to every [`Path`].
    fn visit(&self, model: &M, path: Path<M::State, M::Action>);
impl<M, F> CheckerVisitor<M> for F
where M: Model,
      F: Fn(Path<M::State, M::Action>),
    fn visit(&self, _: &M, path: Path<M::State, M::Action>) {

/// A [`CheckerVisitor`] that records paths visited by the model checker.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use stateright::*; let model = ();
/// # let expected_paths = vec![
/// #   Path::from_actions(&model, (), Vec::new()).unwrap(),
/// # ].into_iter().collect();
/// let (recorder, accessor) = PathRecorder::new_with_accessor();
/// model.checker().visitor(recorder).spawn_dfs().join();
/// assert_eq!(accessor(), expected_paths);
/// ```
pub struct PathRecorder<M: Model>(Arc<Mutex<HashSet<Path<M::State, M::Action>>>>);
impl<M> CheckerVisitor<M> for PathRecorder<M>
where M: Model,
      M::Action: Eq + Hash,
      M::State: Eq + Hash,
    fn visit(&self, _: &M, path: Path<M::State, M::Action>) {
impl<M> PathRecorder<M>
where M: Model,
      M::Action: Clone,
      M::State: Clone,
    /// Instantiates a ([`PathRecorder`], accessor) pair.
    pub fn new_with_accessor() -> (Self, impl Fn() -> HashSet<Path<M::State, M::Action>>) {
        let recorder = Self(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())));
        let accessor = { let r = Arc::clone(&recorder.0); move || r.lock().unwrap().clone() };
        (recorder, accessor)

/// A [`CheckerVisitor`] that records states evaluated by the model checker. Does not record
/// generated states that are still pending property evaluation.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use stateright::*; let model = ();
/// # let expected_states = vec![()];
/// let (recorder, accessor) = StateRecorder::new_with_accessor();
/// model.checker().visitor(recorder).spawn_dfs().join();
/// assert_eq!(accessor(), expected_states);
/// ```
pub struct StateRecorder<M: Model>(Arc<Mutex<Vec<M::State>>>);
impl<M> CheckerVisitor<M> for StateRecorder<M>
where M: Model,
      M::State: Clone,
    fn visit(&self, _: &M, path: Path<M::State, M::Action>) {
impl<M> StateRecorder<M>
where M: Model,
      M::State: Clone,
    /// Instantiates a ([`StateRecorder`], accessor) pair.
    pub fn new_with_accessor() -> (Self, impl Fn() -> Vec<M::State>) {
        let recorder = Self(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Default::default())));
        let accessor = { let r = Arc::clone(&recorder.0); move || r.lock().unwrap().clone() };
        (recorder, accessor)