[][src]Crate stateright

A library for model checking systems, with an emphasis on distributed systems.

Introduction to Model Checking

Model implementations indicate how a system evolves, such as a set of actors executing a distributed protocol on an IP network. Incidentally, that scenario is so common for model checking that Stateright includes an actor system model, and unlike many model checkers, Stateright is also able to spawn these actors on a real network.

Models of a system are supplemented with always and sometimes properties. An always Property (also known as a safety property or invariant) indicates that a specific problematic outcome is not possible, such as data inconsistency. A sometimes property on the other hand is used to ensure a particular outcome is reachable, such as the ability for a distributed system to process a write request.

A ModelChecker (such as BfsChecker or DfsChecker) will attempt to discover a counterexample for every always property and an example for every sometimes property, and these examples/counterexamples are indicated by sequences of system steps known as Paths (also known as traces or behaviors). The presence of an always discovery or the absence of a sometimes discovery indicate that the model checker identified a problem with the code under test.


A toy example that solves a sliding puzzle follows. Caveat: this simple example leverages only a sometimes property, but in most cases for a real scenario you would have an always property at a minimum.

TIP: More sophisticated examples are available in the examples/ directory of the repository

use stateright::*;

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum Slide { Down, Up, Right, Left }

struct Puzzle(Vec<u8>);
impl Model for Puzzle {
    type State = Vec<u8>;
    type Action = Slide;

    fn init_states(&self) -> Vec<Self::State> {

    fn actions(&self, _state: &Self::State, actions: &mut Vec<Self::Action>) {
        actions.append(&mut vec![
            Slide::Down, Slide::Up, Slide::Right, Slide::Left

    fn next_state(&self, last_state: &Self::State, action: Self::Action) -> Option<Self::State> {
        let empty = last_state.iter().position(|x| *x == 0).unwrap();
        let empty_y = empty / 3;
        let empty_x = empty % 3;
        let maybe_from = match action {
            Slide::Down  if empty_y > 0 => Some(empty - 3), // above
            Slide::Up    if empty_y < 2 => Some(empty + 3), // below
            Slide::Right if empty_x > 0 => Some(empty - 1), // left
            Slide::Left  if empty_x < 2 => Some(empty + 1), // right
            _ => None
        maybe_from.map(|from| {
            let mut next_state = last_state.clone();
            next_state[empty] = last_state[from];
            next_state[from] = 0;

    fn properties(&self) -> Vec<Property<Self>> {
        vec![Property::sometimes("solved", |_, state: &Vec<u8>| {
            let solved = vec![0, 1, 2,
                              3, 4, 5,
                              6, 7, 8];
            state == &solved
let example = Puzzle(vec![1, 4, 2,
                          3, 5, 8,
                          6, 7, 0])
        (vec![1, 4, 2,
              3, 5, 8,
              6, 7, 0], Some(Slide::Down)),
        (vec![1, 4, 2,
              3, 5, 0,
              6, 7, 8], Some(Slide::Right)),
        (vec![1, 4, 2,
              3, 0, 5,
              6, 7, 8], Some(Slide::Down)),
        (vec![1, 0, 2,
              3, 4, 5,
              6, 7, 8], Some(Slide::Right)),
        (vec![0, 1, 2,
              3, 4, 5,
              6, 7, 8], None)]));

What to Read Next

The actor and semantics submodules will be of particular interest to most individuals.

Also, as mentioned earlier, you can find more examples in the Stateright repository.



This module provides an actor abstraction. See the system submodule for model checking. See the spawn submodule for a runtime that can run your actor over a real network. See the register submodule for an example wrapper.


This module provides code to define and verify the correctness of an object or system based on how it responds to a collection of potentially concurrent (i.e. partially ordered) operations.


Utilities such as HashableHashSet and HashableHashMap. Those two in particular are useful because the corresponding HashSet and HashMap do not implement Hash, meaning they cannot be used directly in models.



Generates every state reachable by a model, and verifies that all properties hold. In contrast with DfsChecker, this checker performs a depth first search. Can be instantiated with Model::checker or Model::checker_with_threads.


Generates every state reachable by a model, and verifies that all properties hold. In contrast with BfsChecker, this checker performs a depth first search, which requires much less memory. Can be instantiated with DfsChecker::new.


A path of states including actions. i.e. state --action--> state ... --action--> state. You can convert to a Vec<_> with path.into_vec(). If you only need the actions, then use path.into_actions().


A named predicate, such as "an epoch sometimes has no leader" (for which the the model checker would find an example) or "an epoch always has at most one leader" (for which the model checker would find a counterexample) or "a proposal is eventually accepted" (for which the model checker would find a counterexample path leading from the initial state through to a terminal state).



Indicates whether a property is always, eventually, or sometimes true.



A web service for interactively exploring a model. Remember to import the Explorer trait to enable model.serve().


This is the primary abstraction for Stateright. Implementations model a possibly nondeterministic system's evolution. If you are using Stateright's actor framework, then you do not need to implement this interface and can instead implement actor::Actor and actor::system::System.


A trait providing convenience methods for Model checkers. Implemented by BfsChecker and DfsChecker.



Converts a state to a Fingerprint.

Type Definitions


A state identifier. See fingerprint.


An identifier that fully qualifies a Path.