stateright 0.1.0

A library for specifying state machines and model checking invariants.

Stateright LICENSE

Stateright is a library for specifying state machines and model checking invariants. Embedding a model checker into a general purpose programming language allows consumers to formally verify product implementations in addition to abstract models.


As a simple example of an abstract model, we can simulate a minimal "clock" that alternates between two hours: zero and one. Then we can enumerate all possible states verifying that the time is always within bounds and that a path to the other hour begins at the start hour (a model input) followed by a step for flipping the hour bit.

use stateright::*;

struct BinaryClock { start: u8 }

impl StateMachine for BinaryClock {
    type State = u8;

    fn init(&self, results: &mut StepVec<Self::State>) {
        results.push(("start", self.start));

    fn next(&self, state: &Self::State, results: &mut StepVec<Self::State>) {
        results.push(("flip bit", (1 - *state)));

let mut checker = BinaryClock { start: 1 }.checker(
    |clock, time| 0 <= *time && *time <= 1);
    Some(vec![("start", 1), ("flip bit", 0)]));

More Examples

See the examples directory for additional state machines, such as an actor based Single Decree Paxos cluster and an abstract two phase commit state machine.

To model check, run:

cargo run --release --example 2pc 3         # 2 phase commit, 3 resource managers
cargo run --release --example paxos check 2 # paxos, 2 clients
cargo run --release --example wor check 3   # write-once register, 3 clients

Stateright also includes a simple runtime for executing an actor state machine mapping messages to JSON over UDP:

cargo run --example paxos spawn


To benchmark model checking speed, run with larger state spaces:

cargo run --release --example 2pc 8
cargo run --release --example paxos check 3
cargo run --release --example wor check 6


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
    cd stateright
  2. Install the latest version of rust:
    rustup update || (curl -sSf | sh)
  3. Run the tests:
    cargo test && cargo test --examples
  4. Review the docs:
    cargo doc --open
  5. Explore the code:
    $EDITOR src/ # src/ is a good place to start
  6. If you would like to share improvements, please fork the library, push changes to your fork, and send a pull request.


Copyright 2018 Jonathan Nadal and made available under the MIT License.