state 0.2.0

A library for safe and effortless global and thread-local state management.


A Rust library for safe and effortless global and thread-local state management.

extern crate state;

static GLOBAL: state::Storage<u32> = state::Storage::new();

assert_eq!(*GLOBAL.get(), 42);

See the documentation for more.


Include state in your Cargo.toml [dependencies]:

state = "0.2"

Thread-local state management is not enabled by default. You can enable it via the tls feature:

state = { version = "0.2", features = ["tls"] }

This crate requires Rust nightly due to the instability of the const_fn feature. Ensure the feature is enabled by adding the following to your top-level crate attributes:



State is licensed under either of the following, at your option: