starship 0.8.7

The cross-shell prompt for astronauts. ☄🌌️
use super::{Context, Module};
use ansi_term::Color;

/// Creates a module for the prompt character
/// The character segment prints an arrow character in a color dependant on the exit-
/// code of the last executed command:
/// - If the exit-code was "0", the arrow will be formatted with `COLOR_SUCCESS`
/// (green by default)
/// - If the exit-code was anything else, the arrow will be formatted with
/// `COLOR_FAILURE` (red by default)
pub fn module<'a>(context: &'a Context) -> Option<Module<'a>> {
    const SUCCESS_CHAR: &str = "";
    const FAILURE_CHAR: &str = "";
    let color_success = Color::Green.bold();
    let color_failure = Color::Red.bold();

    let mut module = context.new_module("character")?;

    let arguments = &context.arguments;
    let use_symbol = module
    let exit_success = arguments.value_of("status_code").unwrap_or("0") == "0";

    /* If an error symbol is set in the config, use symbols to indicate
    success/failure, in addition to color */
    let symbol = if use_symbol && !exit_success {
        module.new_segment("error_symbol", FAILURE_CHAR)
    } else {
        module.new_segment("symbol", SUCCESS_CHAR)

    if exit_success {
    } else {
