starfish-wasm 1.0.2

*><> is a stack-based, reflective, two-dimensional esoteric programming language based directly off of ><>.

A [\*><>]( interpreter written in Rust. \*><> is a language derived from [><>](

This is the WASM version, you can try it out [here](


Ensure the [Rust toolchain]( and [wasm-pack]( are installed. Then do the following:

git clone
cd rust-starfish-wasm
wasm-pack build --target web

That'll build the package, if you want to test it, run something like the following in the same directory to spin up an HTTP server:

python3 -m http.server

Finally, navigate to `http://localhost:8000/src/web` in your web browser to view the page.


I believe file i/o is the only thing not working. Happy to take a PR for that. Any other issues are likely unexpected, please open an issue if you encounter one 🙂