Crate stageleft_macro

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  • Creates a quoted expression, which can be typechecked but has its AST serialized until it is spliced into a staged entrypoint. Returns a value which implements Quoted<T>, where T is the type of the expression, and also may implement IntoQuotedMut<T> is the values it captures would be safe to capture inside an FnMut context.

Attribute Macros§

  • Defines an entrypoint for staged code, which will be available as a proc macro. The entrypoint must be a function that returns impl Quoted<T> for some type T.
  • Marks a chunk of code as being runtime-only, which means that no staged code in its crate can depend on it. Code behind this attribute is allowed to use staged entrypoints defined in the same crate.
  • A utility for declaring top-level public modules in a Stageleft crate that will export macros. This gets around errors in compiling the macro crate when there are pub mod declarations at the top-level file.