stacking 0.1.0

a simple library for using a stack datastructure in rust


pipeline status

stacking is a module containing tools for building stacks in rust


stacking comes with a [Stack] builtin. It only supports pop and push as actions


use stacking::stacks::Stack;
let mut stack: Stack<i32> = Stack::new(0);
stack = stack.push(4);
assert_eq!(stack.pop(), Some(4));

This simple example creates a stack, appends 4 to it and pops it off again.


stacking also contains a [Node]. A [Node] can be used to build custom stacks or other data structures with specific orders.


use stacking::nodes::Node;
let mut n1: Node<i32> = Node::new(None, None, 15);
let mut n2: Node<i32> = Node::new(None, Some(n1.clone()), 14);
assert_eq!(n1.val, 15);
assert_eq!(n2.val, 14);

This will create two nodes referencing each other to create an order in which after n2 comes n1.