stackdriver_logger_kv 0.7.3

A logger for Google's Stackdriver with a cli-friendly fallback for local development
# Stackdriver logger

A logger for Google's Stackdriver.\
By default, in debug mode, we fall back back to [`pretty_env_logger`]( \
In release mode, we output JSON formatted logs compatible with Stackdriver.

## Usage
use stackdriver_logger;
use log::{error, info, trace, debug, warn};

fn main() {

    trace!("trace log");
    debug!("debug log");
    info!("info log");
    warn!("warn log");
    error!("error log");
Note that the `init_with_cargo!` macro will include your `Cargo.toml` in the resulting binary.
If you don't want that, check out the docs, a few more initializers are available.

## Behavior
When using the above macro, you don't have anything else to do.
For other initializers, you may need to provide two environment variables : `SERVICE_NAME` and `SERVICE_VERSION`.
We're using Cargo's `CARGO_PKG_NAME` and `CARGO_PKG_VERSION` as a fallback, but these are only available
if you run your application via Cargo. \
Check out the docs to see which initializers require environment variables.

## Enabling logging
This library accepts a `RUST_LOG` env variable, it works exactly like in [`env_logger`]( \
By default, everything is disabled except for `error!`.
To enable all logs for your application :

RUST_LOG=your_application cargo run

For more details, take a look at the [`env_logger` docs](

## Feature flags
By default, this crate enables all `env_logger` defaults features and always pulls `pretty_env_logger`. \
These crates have some heavy dependencies like `regex`. \
If you want smaller builds in production, and don't use fancy `env_logger` features, you can disable default features for `stackdriver_logger` like so :
stackdriver_logger = { version = "*", default-features = false, features = ["prod"] }

## License
Licensed under either of

- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or