stable-vec 0.1.1

A Vec-like collection which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) deletion of elements


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A Vec<T>-like collection which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) deletion of elements at the cost of wasting some memory. Please refer to the the documentation for more information.

This crate is still young, but the API won't change a lot. Everything should already work as intended, but it's not extensively tested yet. If you're working on mission-critical software, please don't use this library. Otherwise feel free to do so!

You want to contribute?

Yes please! This is a rather small crate, but it could still use some developing power. In particular, you could work on these things:

  • Rather easy: implementing new features. See this issue for more information.
  • Rather easy: write more tests and examples.
  • Rather hard: verifying that the use of unsafe code is completely fine. It's not a lot of unsafe code and I think it's fine, but it would be nice to have certainty.

I'm glad to do some mentoring for anyone interested in contributing.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.