ssvm_container 0.1.1

An application that sits between the web i.e. RPC calls from SSVMRPC < > and SSVM < > failed to build ssvm_container-0.1.1
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ssvm_container-0.1.3


Users on the web/network are able to deploy and execute Wasm applications on SecondState's stack-based, stateless, WebAssembly Virtual Machine (SSVM). This SSVMContainer application sits between incoming requests from the external network (handled by SSVMRPC) and the SSVM.


Specifically, this SSVMContainer application handles the deployment of Wasm applications and also manages the execution of services (callable functions inside the Wasm application). The actual execution takes place inside the SSVM. However the execution is initiated by this container and all of the application state information is handled by this SSVMContainer.


File system

At present this SSVMContainer simple uses the file system. storage file system


Future versions will allow the storage to be configured for LevelDB also. Once this transition happens, the following JSON (which reflects the above file-system layout) will be used.

	"application_uuid": "0x11111111",
	"application_name": "ERC 20",
	"bytecode": "0x99999999",
	"service": {
		"service_uuid": "0x11111111",
		"service_name": "add",
		"timestamp": {
			"timestamp_uuid": "1575158141",
			"input": {},
			"output": {}