sstable 0.4.4

Sorted String Tables, an on-disk format for storing immutable maps consisting of string,string pairs, and retrieving values by key efficiently. This crate also features bloom filters, checksums and skipping bad blocks.



This crate provides an API to work with immutable (string -> string) maps stored on disk. The main access method are iterators, but there's a simpler API, too.

The general process is

  • Writing a table, using TableBuilder. The entries have to be added in sorted order. The data doesn't have to be written to disk; any type implementing Write works.
  • Reading a table, using TableReader. Again, the source is generic; any type implementing Read + Seek can be used.

Note that the tables and some other structures are generic over the ordering of keys; usually you can just use StandardComparator, though.

With Options, you can influence some details of how tables are laid out on disk. Usually, you don't need to; just use the Options::default() value.

If there's data corruption in the files on disk, defective blocks will be skipped. How many entries a single block contains depends on the block size, which can be set in the Options struct.

Contributions are very welcome!