sstable 0.3.1

Sorted String Tables, an on-disk format for storing immutable maps consisting of string,string pairs, and retrieving values by key efficiently.
# sstable


This crate provides an API to work with immutable (string -> string) maps stored
on disk. The main access method are iterators, but there's a simpler API, too.

The general process is

* Writing a table, using `TableBuilder`. The entries have to be added in
  sorted order. The data doesn't have to be written to disk; any type
  implementing `Write` works.
* Reading a table, using `TableReader`. Again, the source is generic; any type
  implementing `Read + Seek` can be used.

Note that the tables and some other structures are generic over the ordering of
keys; usually you can just use `StandardComparator`, though.

With `Options`, you can influence some details of how tables are laid out on
disk. Usually, you don't need to; just use the `Options::default()` value.

If there's data corruption in the files on disk, defective blocks will be
skipped. How many entries a single block contains depends on the block size,
which can be set in the `Options` struct.

Contributions are very welcome!