sss-rs 0.9.1

A secret sharing scheme implemented in Rust
use crate::geometry::*;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, RngCore, SeedableRng};

/// Creates a vector of points that serve as the list of shares for a given byte of data.
/// **secret:** The secret value that is to be split into shares
/// **shares_required:** The number of shares required to recreate the secret
/// **shares_to_create:** The number of shares to create, so any number 'x' shares from the total 'y'
/// shares are enough to recreate the secret. If < shares_required, it's automatically bumped up.
/// **rand:** The rng source for the generated coefficients in the sharing process.
/// The default is StdRng::from_entropy()
/// NOTE: Using predictable RNG can be a security risk. If unsure, use None.
pub fn from_secret(
    secret: u8,
    shares_required: u8,
    shares_to_create: u8,
    mut rand: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>,
) -> Result<Vec<(u8, u8)>, Error> {
    if shares_required > shares_to_create {
        return Err(Error::UnreconstructableSecret(
    if shares_to_create < 2 {
        return Err(Error::InvalidNumberOfShares(shares_to_create));

    // Use the given rng or if none was given, use from entropy
    let mut shares: Vec<(u8, u8)> = Vec::with_capacity(shares_to_create as usize);
    let mut share_poly = GaloisPolynomial::new();
    let mut rng: Box<dyn RngCore> = match rand {
        Some(rng) => Box::new(rng), 
        None => Box::new(StdRng::from_entropy()), 

    share_poly.set_coeff(Coeff(secret), 0);
    for i in 1..shares_required {
        let curr_co = rng.gen_range(2, 255);
        share_poly.set_coeff(Coeff(curr_co), i as usize);

    for i in 1..=shares_to_create {
        let curr_x = i as u8;
        let curr_y = share_poly.get_y_value(curr_x);
        shares.push((curr_x, curr_y));

/// Reconstructs a secret from a given Vector of shares (points) and returns that secret.
/// No guarantees are made that the shares are valid together and that the secret is valid.
/// If there are enough shares, a secret will be generated.
/// **shares:** The vector of shares that are used to regenerate the polynomial and finding the
///     secret. **shares**.len() must be >= **shares_needed**, else this will return an error.
/// This will return an error if **shares.len() < shares_needed**.
pub fn reconstruct_secret(shares: Vec<(u8, u8)>) -> u8 {

/// This is a wrapper around [from_secret]
/// that loops through the *secret* slice and secret.
/// The format this returns the secrets in is, since this is how they would be
/// distributed:
/// ```notrust
/// share1byte1, share1byte2, share1byte3, ..., share1byte<share_lists.len()>
/// share2byte1, share2byte2, share2byte3, ..., share2byte<share_lists.len()>
/// ```
/// **secret:** A slice of bytes to be used to create the vector of share vectors
/// **rand:** The rng source for the generated coefficients in the sharing process.
/// The default is StdRng::from_entropy()
/// *For the rest of the arguments, see [from_secret]*
/// NOTE: Using predictable RNG can be a security risk. If unsure, use None.
pub fn from_secrets(
    secret: &[u8],
    shares_required: u8,
    shares_to_create: u8,
    rand: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>,
) -> Result<Vec<Vec<(u8, u8)>>, Error> {
    if secret.is_empty() {
        return Err(Error::EmptySecretArray);

    // If rand is None, create a new rand and return it's reference
    let mut from_entropy: Box<dyn RngCore>;
    let mut rand = match rand {
        Some(rng) => rng,
        None => {
            from_entropy = Box::new(StdRng::from_entropy());
            &mut from_entropy

    let mut list_of_share_lists: Vec<Vec<(u8, u8)>> = Vec::with_capacity(secret.len());

    for s in secret {
        match from_secret(*s, shares_required, shares_to_create, Some(&mut rand)) {
            Ok(shares) => {
                // Now this list needs to be transposed:
            Err(e) => {
                return Err(e);
    let list_of_share_lists = transpose_vec_matrix(list_of_share_lists).unwrap();

/// This is a wrapper around [reconstruct_secret] that iterates over each Vec of shares and
/// reconstructs their respective byte of the secret.
/// It expects the shares to be in this format since this is how they are distributed.
/// In other words, the share lists generated from
/// ```notrust
/// share1byte1, share1byte2, share1byte3, ..., share1byte<share_lists.len()>
/// share2byte1, share2byte2, share2byte3, ..., share2byte<share_lists.len()>
/// ```
/// **share_lists:** A Vec of Vecs, with each Vec containing the shares needed to reconstruct a byte
///     of the secret.
/// *For the rest of the arguments, see [reconstruct_secret]*
pub fn reconstruct_secrets(share_lists: Vec<Vec<(u8, u8)>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {
    let mut secrets: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(share_lists[0].len());
    let share_lists = transpose_vec_matrix(share_lists)?;
    for point_list in share_lists {

/// Wrapper around its corresponding share function, this simply uses the [reduce_share]
/// function to reduce the size of the share.
/// Since each share is a collection of points, (u8, u8) where the x-value is identical
/// throughout the share, we can pull out the X value, which halves the size of the
/// share.
/// The format of the outputted shares are as follows:
/// (1-byte X-value),(N-byte share)
/// The 'no_points' functions are to be used exclusively with eachother and are not
/// meant to mix with the other raw_share functions and vice-versa.
/// See [from_secrets] for more documentation.
pub fn from_secrets_no_points(
    secret: &[u8],
    shares_required: u8,
    shares_to_create: u8,
    rand: Option<&mut dyn RngCore>,
) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Error> {
        from_secrets(secret, shares_required, shares_to_create, rand)?
            .map(|(x, ys)| {
                let mut new_share = Vec::with_capacity(ys.len() + 1);

/// Wrapper around its corresponding share function, it simply uses the [expand_share]
/// function to reconstruct the secret from shares created using
/// [from_secrets_no_points]
/// The format the shares are to be in are as follows:
/// (1-byte X-value),(N-byte share)
/// The 'no_points' functions are to be used exclusively with eachother and are not
/// meant to mix with the other raw_share functions and vice-versa.
/// See [reconstruct_secrets] for more documentation.
pub fn reconstruct_secrets_no_points(share_lists: Vec<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error> {

/// This 'compresses' a share by pulling out it's X value from each point since
/// they will be identical.
/// This allows for more optimal storage of the share.
pub fn reduce_share(share: Vec<(u8, u8)>) -> (u8, Vec<u8>) {
    (share[0].0, share.into_iter().map(|(_, y)| y).collect())

/// This 'decompresses' a share by taking the x value and adding it to each
/// y value.
/// This allows for the share to be properly reconstructed.
pub fn expand_share(share: Vec<u8>) -> Vec<(u8, u8)> {
    let x_value = share[0];
    share[1..].iter().map(|y| (x_value, *y)).collect()

/// Transposes a Vec of Vecs if it is a valid matrix. If it is not an error is returned.
/// **matrix:** The matrix to be transposed, must be a valid matrix else an error is returned.
pub fn transpose_vec_matrix<T: Clone>(matrix: Vec<Vec<T>>) -> Result<Vec<Vec<T>>, Error> {
    for i in 1..matrix.len() {
        if matrix[i - 1].len() != matrix[i].len() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidMatrix {
                index_of_invalid_length_row: i,

    let col_len = matrix.len();
    let row_len = matrix[0].len();

    let mut transpose: Vec<Vec<T>> = Vec::with_capacity(col_len);

    for _ in 0..matrix[0].len() {

    /*for i in 0..matrix.len() {
        for j in 0..matrix[i].len() {
    for i in 0..matrix.len() {
        for j in 0..matrix[i].len() {

/// Local Error enum, used to report errors that would only occur within this file.
pub enum Error {
    NotEnoughShares { given: u8, required: u8 },
    InvalidMatrix { index_of_invalid_length_row: usize },
    UnreconstructableSecret(u8, u8),

impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Error::NotEnoughShares { given, required } => write!(
                "Not enough shares to recreate secret: Given: {}; Required: {}",
                given, required
            Error::InvalidMatrix {
            } => write!(
                "Row {} is not the same length as previous rows",
            Error::EmptySecretArray => write!(f, "Secret array should not be empty"),
            Error::InvalidNumberOfShares(num) => {
                write!(f, "Need to generate at least 2 shares. Requested: {}", num)
            Error::UnreconstructableSecret(to_create, required) => write!(
                "Can't create less shares than required to reconstruct. Create: {}, Req: {}",
                to_create, required

impl std::error::Error for Error {}

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use rand::rngs::StdRng;
    use rand::Rng;
    use rand::SeedableRng;

    fn many_test() {
        let num_iters = 10;

        let mut rand = StdRng::seed_from_u64(123u64);

        for _ in 0..num_iters {
            let secret: u8 = rand.gen_range(1, 256) as u8;
            let shares_required: u8 = rand.gen_range(2, 10);
            let shares_to_create: u8 = shares_required + rand.gen_range(0, 6);

            basic_single_value(secret, shares_to_create, shares_required);

    fn basic_single_value(secret: u8, shares_to_create: u8, shares_required: u8) {
        /* Was used to find an infinite loop, no longer needed, but keeping for future reference
        unsafe {
            register(signal_hook::SIGQUIT, || println!("{:?}", Backtrace::new()));

        let shares = from_secret(secret, shares_required, shares_to_create, None).unwrap();

        let secret_decrypted = reconstruct_secret(shares);
        assert_eq!(secret, secret_decrypted);

    fn transpose() {
        let matrix = vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![4, 5, 6], vec![7, 8, 9]];

        let matrix1 = vec![vec![1, 4, 7], vec![2, 5, 8], vec![3, 6, 9]];

        let matrix2 = vec![vec![1, 2, 3, 4], vec![5, 6, 7, 8]];

        let matrix3 = vec![vec![1, 5], vec![2, 6], vec![3, 7], vec![4, 8]];

        assert_eq!(transpose_vec_matrix(matrix).unwrap(), matrix1);
        assert_eq!(transpose_vec_matrix(matrix2).unwrap(), matrix3);

    #[cfg(feature = "benchmark_tests")]
    fn large_data_and_benchmark() {
        use std::time::Instant;

        let secret = "According to all known laws of aviation, 
            there is no way a bee should be able to fly.
            Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground.
            The bee, of course, flies anyway
            because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.";
        let shares_required = 5;
        let shares_to_create = 5;

        let now = Instant::now();

        let share_lists =
            from_secrets(secret.as_bytes(), shares_required, shares_to_create).unwrap();

        let recon_secret_vec = reconstruct_secrets(share_lists).unwrap();
        let recon_secret = String::from_utf8(recon_secret_vec).unwrap();

        let time_elap = now.elapsed().as_millis();

        println!("Time elapsed: {} milliseconds", time_elap);

        assert_eq!(secret, &recon_secret[..])

    fn no_points() {
        let secret = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
        let n = 3;
        let shares = from_secrets_no_points(&secret, n, n, None).unwrap();
        let recon = reconstruct_secrets_no_points(shares).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(secret, recon);