Crate sshkeys

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The sshkeys crate provides types and methods for parsing OpenSSH public keys and certificates.

The following public key types are supported.

  • RSA
  • DSA
  • ED25519

The following OpenSSH certificate types are supported as well.



In order to view examples of this crate in use, please refer to the examples directory.


  • A type which represents an OpenSSH certificate key. Please refer to [PROTOCOL.certkeys] for more details about OpenSSH certificates. [PROTOCOL.certkeys]:
  • A type which represents a cryptographic curve.
  • DSA public key. The format of DSA public keys is described in RFC 4253, section 6.6
  • ECDSA public key. The format of ECDSA public keys is described in RFC 5656, section 3.1.
  • ED25519 public key. The format of ED25519 public keys is described in
  • The Error type represents the possible errors that may occur when working with OpenSSH keys.
  • A type that represents an OpenSSH public key fingerprint.
  • KeyType represents the type of an OpenSSH key.
  • A type which represents an OpenSSH public key.
  • A Reader is used for reading from a byte sequence representing an encoded OpenSSH public key or certificate.
  • RSA public key. The format of RSA public keys is described in RFC 4253, section 6.6
  • A Writer is used for encoding a key in OpenSSH compatible format.


  • Represents the different types a certificate can be.
  • Represents the different kinds of supported curves.
  • The FingerprintKind enum represents the different fingerprint representation.
  • A type which represents the various kinds of keys.
  • A type which represents the different kinds a public key can be.

Type Aliases§

  • A Result type alias where the Err variant is Error