Module ssbh_lib::formats

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The supported binary formats for reading and writing. All the supported formats are SSBH formats except for adj and meshex.


  • Adj is a non SSBH format that stores vertex adjacency data. These files typically use the “.adjb” suffix like “model.adjb”.
  • The Anim format stores per frame animation data. These files typically use the “.nuanmb” suffix like “model.nuanmb”.
  • The Hlpb format stores bone constraints for helper bones. These files typically use the “.nuhlpb” suffix like “model.nuhlpb”.
  • The Matl format stores a collection of materials used for model rendering. These files typically use the “.numatb” suffix like “model.numatb”.
  • The Mesh format stores the geometric data used for model rendering. These files typically use the “.numshb” suffix like “model.numshb”.
  • The Modl format describes the files associated with a model. These files typically use the “.numdlb” or “nusrcmdlb” suffix like “model.numdlb” or “model.nusrcmdlb”.
  • The Nlst format stores a collection of file names to load into the game. These files typically use the “.nulstb” suffix like “main.nulstb”.
  • The Nrpd format describes render pass data. These files typically use the “.nurpdb” suffix.
  • The Nufx format stores data about the shader programs used for rendering. These files typically use the “.nufxlb” suffix like “nuc2effectlibrary.nufxlb”. Nufx files reference required attributes from Mesh files and required parameters from Matl files.
  • The Skel format stores the model’s skeleton used for skeletal animations. These files typically use the “.nusktb” suffix like “model.nusktb”. Animations are often stored in Anim files that override the Skel file’s bone transforms. Skel files are linked with Mesh and Matl files using a Modl file.