Module ssbh_data::skel_data

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Types for working with Skel data in .nusktb files.

The data for each bone is collected into a BoneData struct with a single transformation matrix. The missing matrices are recalculated when converting to Skel based on the hierarchy of BoneData.

§File Differences

Unmodified files are not guaranteed to be binary identical after saving. Calculated matrices may differ from the originals due to slightly different algorithms and floating point errors. These errors are very small in practice but may cause gameplay differences such as online desyncs.




  • Billboarding reorients a MeshObject parented to a bone based on the camera. This effect is commonly used for 2D sprites for particles and distant objects like trees.
  • Errors while calculating BoneData transformation matrices.


  • Calculates the transform of world_transform relative to parent_world_transform. If parent_world_transform is None, a copy of world_transform is returned. All matrices are assumed to be in column-major order.