srp6 1.0.0-alpha.6

A safe implementation of the secure remote password authentication and key-exchange protocol (SRP version 6 and 6a)
This module defines a list of all primitive types and functions
needed to express the meaning of certain variables better.

For instance in [RFC2945] the big prime number that acts
as the modulus in every mathematical power operation is called `N`.

In order to increase readability the type of `N` is
an alias to [`BigNumber`] that aims to express the meaning,
so [`PrimeModulus`] is same as `N` which is a [`BigNumber`].

This scheme is applied for all variables used in the calculus.

use log::debug;
use serde::Serialize;

use crate::big_number::{BigNumber, Zero};
use crate::hash::{hash, Digest, Hash, HashFunc, Update, HASH_LENGTH};
use crate::{Result, Srp6Error};


/// Refers to a large safe prime called `N` (`N = 2q+1`, where `q` is prime)
#[doc(alias = "N")]
pub type PrimeModulus = BigNumber;

/// Refers to the modulus generator `g`
#[doc(alias = "g")]
pub type Generator = BigNumber;

/// Refers to a User's salt called `s`
#[doc(alias = "s")]
pub type Salt = BigNumber;

/// Refers to a Public shared key called A (user), B (server)
#[doc(alias("A", "B"))]
pub type PublicKey = BigNumber;

/// Refers to a private secret random number a (user), b (server)
#[doc(alias("a", "b"))]
pub type PrivateKey = BigNumber;

/// A pair of [`PublicKey`] and [`PrivateKey`]
pub type KeyPair = (PublicKey, PrivateKey);

/// Password Verifier is the users secret on the server side
#[doc(alias = "v")]
pub type PasswordVerifier = BigNumber;

/// Refers to a multiplier parameter `k` (k = H(N, g) in SRP-6a, k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
#[doc(alias = "k")]
pub type MultiplierParameter = BigNumber;

/// Refers to the SessionKey `S`
#[doc(alias = "S")]
pub type SessionKey = BigNumber;
/// Refers to the StrongSessionKey `K`
#[doc(alias = "K")]
pub type StrongSessionKey = BigNumber;

/// Refers to `M` and `M1` Proof of server and client
#[doc(alias("M", "M1"))]
pub type Proof = BigNumber;
/// Refers to `M2` the hash of Proof
#[doc(alias = "M2")]
pub type StrongProof = BigNumber;

/// Username `I` as [`String`]
#[doc(alias = "I")]
pub type Username = String;
/// Username reference `I` as [`&str`]
pub type UsernameRef<'a> = &'a str;
/// Clear text password `p` as [`str`]
#[doc(alias = "p")]
pub type ClearTextPassword = str;

/// [`Username`] and [`ClearTextPassword`] used on the client side
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct UserCredentials<'a> {
    pub username: UsernameRef<'a>,
    pub password: &'a ClearTextPassword,

/// User details composes [`Username`], [`Salt`] and [`PasswordVerifier`] in one struct
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)]
pub struct UserDetails {
    pub username: Username,
    pub salt: Salt,
    pub verifier: PasswordVerifier,

/// host version of a session key for a given user
/// S: is the session key of a user
/// u: is the hash of user and server pub keys
/// u = H(A, B)
/// S = (Av^u) ^ b  
pub(crate) fn calculate_session_key_S_for_host<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    A: &PublicKey,
    B: &PublicKey,
    b: &PrivateKey,
    v: &PasswordVerifier,
) -> Result<SessionKey> {
    // safeguard A % N == 0 should be checked
    if (A % N).is_zero() {
        return Err(Srp6Error::InvalidPublicKey(A.clone()));

    let u = &calculate_u::<KEY_LENGTH>(A, B);
    let base = &(A * &v.modpow(u, N));
    let S: BigNumber = base.modpow(b, N);

    debug!("S = {:?}", &S);


/// client version of the session key calculation, depends on
/// - the users [`PrivateKey`] `x`
/// - the users [`PublicKey`] `A`
/// - the servers [`PublicKey`] `B`
/// - formulas found so far:
///   - `S = (B - (k * g^x)) ^ (a + (u * x)) % N`
///   - `S = (B - (k * v)) ^ (a + (u * x)) % N`
pub(crate) fn calculate_session_key_S_for_client<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    k: &MultiplierParameter,
    g: &Generator,
    B: &PublicKey,
    A: &PublicKey,
    a: &PrivateKey,
    x: &PrivateKey,
) -> Result<SessionKey> {
    // safeguard B % N == 0
    if (B % N).is_zero() {
        return Err(Srp6Error::InvalidPublicKey(B.clone()));

    let u = &calculate_u::<KEY_LENGTH>(A, B);
    let exp: BigNumber = a + &(u * x);
    let g_mod_x = &g.modpow(x, N);
    let base = B - &(k * g_mod_x);
    let S = base.modpow(&exp, N);
    debug!("S = {:?}", &S);


/// the hash of a session key `S` that is called `K`
/// S: is the session key of a user
/// K: is the hash of S, just not that straight
pub(crate) fn calculate_session_key_hash_interleave_K<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    S: &SessionKey,
) -> StrongSessionKey {
    let S = S.to_array_pad_zero::<KEY_LENGTH>();

    // take the even bytes out of S
    let mut half = [0_u8; KEY_LENGTH];
    for (i, Si) in S.iter().step_by(2).enumerate() {
        half[i] = *Si;
    // hash the even portion of S
    let even_half_of_S_hash = HashFunc::new().chain(&half[..KEY_LENGTH / 2]).finalize();

    // take the odd bytes of S
    for (i, Si) in S.iter().skip(1).step_by(2).enumerate() {
        half[i] = *Si;
    // hash the odd portion of S
    let odd_half_of_S_hash = HashFunc::new().chain(&half[..KEY_LENGTH / 2]).finalize();

    let mut vK = [0_u8; STRONG_SESSION_KEY_LENGTH];
    for (i, h_Si) in even_half_of_S_hash
        vK[i * 2] = *h_Si.0;
        vK[i * 2 + 1] = *h_Si.1;

    let K = BigNumber::from_bytes_le(&vK);
    debug!("K = {:?}", &K);


pub(crate) fn calculate_proof_M<const KEY_LENGTH: usize, const SALT_LENGTH: usize>(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    g: &Generator,
    I: UsernameRef,
    s: &Salt,
    A: &PublicKey,
    B: &PublicKey,
    K: &StrongSessionKey,
) -> Proof {
    let xor_hash: Hash = calculate_hash_N_xor_g::<KEY_LENGTH>(N, g);
    let username_hash = HashFunc::new().chain(I.as_bytes()).finalize();
    debug!("H(I) = {:?}", &username_hash);

    let M: Proof = HashFunc::new()

    debug!("M = {:?}", &M);


/// todo(verify): check if padding is needed or not
/// formula: `H(A | M | K)`
pub(crate) fn calculate_strong_proof_M2<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    A: &PublicKey,
    M: &Proof,
    K: &StrongSessionKey,
) -> StrongProof {
    let M2: StrongProof = HashFunc::new()
    debug!("M2 = {:?}", &M2);


/// here we hash g and xor it with the hash of N
/// ```plain
/// M = H(H(N) xor H(g), H(I), s, A, B, K)
///       `````````````
///                    // this portion is calculated here
/// ```
fn calculate_hash_N_xor_g<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(N: &PrimeModulus, g: &Generator) -> Hash {
    let mut h = HashFunc::new()
    let h_g = HashFunc::new().chain(g.to_vec().as_slice()).finalize();
    for (i, v) in h.iter_mut().enumerate() {
        *v ^= h_g[i];

    let H_n_g: Hash = h.into();
    debug!("H(N) xor H(g) = {:X?}", &H_n_g);


/// here we calculate the `PasswordVerifier` called `v` based on `x`
/// **Note**: something that only needs to be done on user pw change, or user creation
/// `x`:  Private key (derived from p and s)
/// `v`:  Password verifier
/// `g`:  A generator modulo N
/// `N`:  A large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime)
/// formula: `v = g^x % N`
pub(crate) fn calculate_password_verifier_v(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    g: &Generator,
    x: &PrivateKey,
) -> PasswordVerifier {
    g.modpow(x, N)

/// `u` is the hash of host's and client's [`PublicKey`]
/// formula: `H(PAD(A) | PAD(B))`
pub(crate) fn calculate_u<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(A: &PublicKey, B: &PublicKey) -> BigNumber {
    let u = hash::<KEY_LENGTH>(A, B);
    debug!("u = {:?}", &u);


/// `A` is the [`PublicKey`] of the client
/// formula: `A = g^a % N`
pub(crate) fn calculate_pubkey_A(N: &PrimeModulus, g: &Generator, a: &PrivateKey) -> PublicKey {
    let A = g.modpow(a, N);
    debug!("A = {:?}", &A);


/// [`PublicKey`][B] is the hosts public key
/// `B = kv + g^b`
pub(crate) fn calculate_pubkey_B(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    k: &MultiplierParameter,
    g: &Generator,
    v: &PasswordVerifier,
    b: &PrivateKey,
) -> PublicKey {
    let g_mod_N = g.modpow(b, N);
    let B = &((k * v) + g_mod_N) % N;
    debug!("B = {:?}", &B);


/// `x` is the users private key (only they know)
/// I:  Username                (is uppercased for WoW)
/// p:  Cleartext Password      (is uppercased for WoW)
/// s:  User's salt
/// x:  Private key (derived from p and s)
/// ph = H(I, ':', p)           (':' is a string literal)
/// x = H(s, ph)                (s is chosen randomly)
pub(crate) fn calculate_private_key_x(
    I: UsernameRef,
    p: &ClearTextPassword,
    s: &Salt,
) -> PrivateKey {
    let ph = calculate_p_hash(I, p);
    let x: PrivateKey = HashFunc::new()
    debug!("x = {:?}", &x);


/// hashes the user and the password (used for client private key `x`)
#[cfg(not(feature = "legacy"))]
pub(crate) fn calculate_p_hash(I: UsernameRef, p: &ClearTextPassword) -> Hash {

/// hashes the user and the password (used for client private key `x`)
/// WoW flavoured (upper cased user and password)
#[cfg(feature = "legacy")]
pub(crate) fn calculate_p_hash(I: UsernameRef, p: &ClearTextPassword) -> Hash {

/// `k = H(N | PAD(g))` (k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
#[cfg(not(feature = "legacy"))]
pub(crate) fn calculate_k<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    N: &PrimeModulus,
    g: &Generator,
) -> MultiplierParameter {

/// `k = H(N | PAD(g))` (k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
#[cfg(feature = "legacy")]
pub(crate) fn calculate_k<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>(
    _: &PrimeModulus,
    _: &Generator,
) -> MultiplierParameter {

/// [`PrivateKey`] `a` or `b` is in fact just a big (positive) random number
pub(crate) fn generate_private_key<const KEY_LENGTH: usize>() -> PrivateKey {

/// [`Salt`] `s` is a random number
pub(crate) fn generate_salt<const SALT_LENGTH: usize>() -> Salt {

#[cfg(feature = "legacy")]
mod tests {
    use std::convert::TryInto;

    use crate::api::host::tests::Mock;
    use crate::defaults::Srp6_256;

    use super::*;

    const KEY_LENGTH: usize = 32;
    const SALT_LENGTH: usize = 32;

    fn should_generate_a_salt_of_n() {
        let s = generate_salt::<32>();
        assert_eq!(s.to_vec().len(), 32);

    fn should_calculate_users_private_key_x_and_password_verifier() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let x = &calculate_private_key_x(Mock::I(), Mock::p(), &Mock::s());
        // sometimes it is also 20 bytes long..
        // assert_eq!(x.num_bytes(), 19);
        let v = calculate_password_verifier_v(&params.N, &params.g, x);

        assert_eq!(&v, &Mock::v());

    fn should_calculate_servers_pubkey_B() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let B = calculate_pubkey_B(&params.N, &params.k, &params.g, &Mock::v(), &Mock::b());
        assert_eq!(B, Mock::B())

    fn should_calculate_session_key_on_host_side() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let session_key_s = calculate_session_key_S_for_host::<KEY_LENGTH>(

        assert_eq!(&session_key_s, &Mock::S())
    fn should_fail_for_public_key_mod_N_is_zero() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();

    fn should_calculate_hash_of_a_session_key() {
        let hash_of_session_key = calculate_session_key_hash_interleave_K::<KEY_LENGTH>(&Mock::S());
        assert_eq!(&hash_of_session_key, &Mock::K())

    fn should_calculate_the_xor_hash_right() {
        use hex_literal::hex;

        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let h = calculate_hash_N_xor_g::<KEY_LENGTH>(&params.N, &params.g);
        const EXPECTED_HASH_LE: Hash =
            hex!("DD 7B B0 3A 38 AC 73 11 03 98 7C 5A 50 6F CA 96 6C 7B C2 A7");
        // both are equivalent, here it's the big endian hex string representation
        let bn: BigNumber = "A7C27B6C96CA6F505A7C98031173AC383AB07BDD"
        // println!("{:?}", bn);
        assert_eq!(bn.to_vec().as_slice(), &EXPECTED_HASH_LE);

        // println!("{:X?}", EXPECTED_HASH_LE);
        assert_eq!(h, EXPECTED_HASH_LE);

    fn should_calculate_proof() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let proof_m = calculate_proof_M::<KEY_LENGTH, SALT_LENGTH>(

        assert_eq!(&proof_m, &Mock::M())

    fn should_panic_client_key_calc_for_mod_zero_public_server_key() {
        let params = Srp6_256::default();
        let res = calculate_session_key_S_for_client::<32>(
            &params.N, &params.N, &params.N, &params.N, &params.N, &params.N, &params.N,
        assert_eq!(res.err().unwrap(), Srp6Error::InvalidPublicKey(params.N));