srcsrv 0.2.1

Interpret the contents of a srcsrv stream from a pdb file (Microsoft Source Server).
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Parse a srcsrv stream from a Windows PDB file and look up file paths to see how the source for these paths can be obtained:

use srcsrv::{SrcSrvStream, SourceRetrievalMethod};

if let Ok(srcsrv_stream) = pdb.named_stream(b"srcsrv") {
    let stream = SrcSrvStream::parse(srcsrv_stream.as_slice())?;
    let url = match stream.source_for_path(
        r#"C:\Debugger\Cached Sources"#,
    )? {
        SourceRetrievalMethod::Download { url } => Some(url),
        _ => None,
    assert_eq!(url, Some("".to_string()));

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