Crate sqlite

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Interface to SQLite.


Open a connection, create a table, and insert a few rows:

let connection = sqlite::open(":memory:").unwrap();

        CREATE TABLE users (name TEXT, age INTEGER);
        INSERT INTO users VALUES ('Alice', 42);
        INSERT INTO users VALUES ('Bob', 69);

Select some rows and process them one by one as plain text:

    .iterate("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 50", |pairs| {
        for &(column, value) in pairs.iter() {
            println!("{} = {}", column, value.unwrap());

Run the same query but using a prepared statement, which is much more efficient than the previous technique:

use sqlite::State;

let mut statement = connection.prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > ?").unwrap();
statement.bind(1, 50).unwrap();

while let Ok(State::Row) = {
    println!("name = {}",<String>(0).unwrap());
    println!("age = {}",<i64>(1).unwrap());

Run the same query but using a cursor, which is a wrapper around a prepared statement providing the notion of row and featuring all-at-once binding:

use sqlite::Value;

let cursor = connection
    .prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > ?")

for row in|row| row.unwrap()) {
    println!("name = {}", row.get::<String, _>("name"));
    println!("age = {}", row.get::<i64, _>("age"));


A database connection.
A thread-safe database connection.
An iterator over rows.
An error.
Flags for opening a database connection.
A row.
A prepared statement.


A state of a prepared statement.
A data type.
A value of a specific type.


A type suitable for binding to a prepared statement.
A type suitable for indexing columns.
A type suitable for reading from a prepared statement.
A type that values can be converted into.


Open a read-write connection to a new or existing database.
Return the version number of SQLite.

Type Definitions

A result.