spy 0.2.0

Rust spy functions for testing purposes

Spy Build Status


Spy crate is inspired by such famous Javascript testing tools as Jasmine and Sinon.js. It provides easy configurable spies with predefined behaviour.

fn iterator_all_test() {
   let integers = vec![0i32, 1i32, 2i32];

   // create spy function that returns true if provided
   // argument is an even number
   let (spy_fn, spy) = spy!(|n| n % 2 == 0);

   // test call
   let res = integers.iter().all(spy_fn);

   // check Iterator::all result
   assert!(!res, "should be false");

   // take a snapshot of made calls
   let snapshot = spy.snapshot();

   // make assertions
   assert!(snapshot.called(), "should be called");
       "should be called with 1i32 at least once"
       "should be called with different arguments"
   assert_eq!(snapshot.all_calls(), &vec![(&0i32), (&1i32)]);
   assert_eq!(snapshot.first_call().expect("should be Some"), &(&0i32));
   assert_eq!(snapshot.last_call().expect("should be Some"), &(&1i32));
   assert_eq!(snapshot.nth_call(1).expect("should be Some"), &(&1i32));


Spy is licensed under MIT and Apache-2.0 license