spurs 0.1.4

Utilities for setting up and running experiments remotely
# spurs

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Utilities for setting up and running experiments remotely.

This is kind of a "living repo". I will add to it utilities as I find them
useful (or people submit PRs).

It is heavily inspired by [spur.py](https://github.com/mwilliamson/spur.py) but
it also contains a bunch of utility routines that I have found useful.

## Features

- A straight-forward, well-typed, idiomatic interface for running commands
  remotely via SSH, similar to `spur.py`.
- Utilities for common Linux admin operations, such as adding a user to a group
  or turning on a swap device or installing a package. This is by no means a
  complete set of such functions. So far it just includes the ones I have run
  into. Feel free to make PRs adding more.

## Example

use spurs::{cmd, ssh::SshShell};

const FOO: &str = "foo";
const HOST: &str = "";
const USER: &str = "user";

// Create an SSH connection with host.
// (host doesn't have to be a `&str`; it can be any `ToSocketAddrs` type)
let shell = SshShell::with_default_key(USER, HOST)?;

// Run some commands on HOST as USER.

// ps -e | grep foo
shell.run(cmd!("ps -e | grep {}", FOO).use_bash())?;

// cd /home/user ; ls -a | grep user
shell.run(cmd!("ls -a | grep user").cwd("/home/user/").use_bash())?;

// sudo yum install -y qemu-kvm

It's also possible to
- run commands in another thread and later wait for that thread
- capture the stdout and stderr
- allow a command to fail

For more information please see [the docs](https://docs.rs/spurs). Feel free to
open an issue on [the repo](https://github.com/mark-i-m/spurs) if anything is

## Usage

Add the crate `spurs` to your `Cargo.toml` dependencies.

Requires stable Rust 1.31 or newer.