sptr 0.2.1

sptr: The Strict Provenance Polyfill

sptr: The Strict Provenance Polyfill


This library provides a stable polyfill for Rust's Strict Provenance experiment.

Mapping to STD APIs:

// core::ptr (sptr)
pub fn invalid<T>(addr: usize) -> *const T;
pub fn invalid_mut<T>(addr: usize) -> *mut T;

// core::pointer (sptr::Strict)
pub fn addr(self) -> usize;
pub fn with_addr(self, addr: usize) -> Self;
pub fn map_addr(self, f: impl FnOnce(usize) -> usize) -> Self;

// NON-STANDARD EXTENSIONS (feature = uptr)

// NON-STANDARD EXTENSIONS (feature = opaque_fn)

// DEPRECATED BY THIS MODEL in core::pointer (sptr::Strict)
// (disable with `default-features = false`)
pub fn to_bits(self) -> usize;
pub fn from_bits(usize) -> Self;

Swapping between the two should be as simple as switching between sptr:: and ptr:: for static functions. For methods, you must import sptr::Strict into your module for the extension trait's methods to overlay std. The compiler will (understandably) complain that you are overlaying std, so you will need to also silence that as seen in the following example:

use sptr::Strict;

let ptr = sptr::invalid_mut::<u8>(1);
println!("{}", ptr.addr());

By default, this crate will also mark methods on pointers as "deprecated" if they are incompatible with strict_provenance. If you don't want this, set default-features = false in your Cargo.toml.

Rust is the canonical source of definitions for these APIs and semantics, but the docs here will vaguely try to mirror the docs checked into Rust.