sprs 0.11.0

A sparse matrix library
use crate::array_backend::Array2;
use crate::errors::StructureError;
use crate::indexing::SpIndex;
use crate::IndPtrBase;
use std::ops::Deref;

#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
mod serde_traits;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
use serde_traits::{CsMatBaseShadow, CsVecBaseShadow, Deserialize, Serialize};

pub use self::csmat::CompressedStorage;

/// Compressed matrix in the CSR or CSC format, with sorted indices.
/// This sparse matrix format is the preferred format for performing arithmetic
/// operations. Constructing a sparse matrix directly in this format requires
/// a deep knowledge of its internals. For easier matrix construction, the
/// [triplet format](struct.TripletMatBase) is preferred.
/// The `CsMatBase` type is parameterized by the scalar type `N`, the indexing
/// type `I`, the indexing storage backend types `IptrStorage` and `IndStorage`,
/// and the value storage backend type `DataStorage`. Convenient aliases are
/// available to specify frequent variants: [`CsMat`] refers to a sparse matrix
/// that owns its data, similar to `Vec<T>`; [`CsMatView`] refers to a sparse matrix
/// that borrows its data, similar to `& [T]`; and [`CsMatViewMut`] refers to a sparse
/// matrix borrowing its data, with a mutable borrow for its values. No mutable
/// borrow is allowed for the structure of the matrix, allowing the invariants
/// to be preserved.
/// Additionaly, the type aliases [`CsMatI`], [`CsMatViewI`] and
/// [`CsMatViewMutI`] can be used to choose an index type different from the
/// default `usize`.
/// [`CsMat`]: type.CsMat.html
/// [`CsMatView`]: type.CsMatView.html
/// [`CsMatViewMut`]: type.CsMatViewMut.html
/// [`CsMatI`]: type.CsMatI.html
/// [`CsMatViewI`]: type.CsMatViewI.html
/// [`CsMatViewMutI`]: type.CsMatViewMutI.html
/// ## Storage format
/// In the compressed storage format, the non-zero values of a sparse matrix
/// are stored as the row and column location of the non-zero values, with
/// a compression along the rows (CSR) or columns (CSC) indices. The dimension
/// along which the storage is compressed is referred to as the *outer dimension*,
/// the other dimension is called the *inner dimension*. For clarity, the
/// remaining explanation will assume a CSR matrix, but the information stands
/// for CSC matrices as well.
/// ### Indptr
/// An index pointer array `indptr` of size corresponding to the number of rows
/// stores the cumulative sum of non-zero elements for each row. For instance,
/// the number of non-zero elements of the i-th row can be obtained by computing
/// `indptr[i + 1] - indptr[i]`. The total number of non-zero elements is thus
/// `nnz = indptr[nb_rows + 1]`. This index pointer array can then be used to
/// efficiently index the `indices` and `data` array, which respectively contain
/// the column indices and the values of the non-zero elements.
/// ### Indices and data
/// The non-zero locations and values are stored in arrays of size `nnz`, `indices`
/// and `data`. For row `i`, the non-zeros are located in the slices
/// `indices[indptr[i]..indptr[i+1]]` and `data[indptr[i]..indptr[i+1]]`. We
/// require and enforce sorted indices for each row.
/// ## Construction
/// A sparse matrix can be directly constructed by providing its index pointer,
/// indices and data arrays. The coherence of the provided structure is then
/// verified.
/// For situations where the compressed structure is hard to figure out up front,
/// the [triplet format](struct.TriMatBase.html) can be used. A matrix in the
/// triplet format can then be efficiently converted to a `CsMat`.
/// Alternately, a sparse matrix can be constructed from other sparse matrices
/// using [`vstack`], [`hstack`] or [`bmat`].
/// [`vstack`]: fn.vstack.html
/// [`hstack`]: fn.hstack.html
/// [`bmat`]: fn.bmat.html

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Deserialize))]
    feature = "serde",
        try_from = "CsMatBaseShadow<N, I, IptrStorage, IndStorage, DataStorage, Iptr>"
pub struct CsMatBase<N, I, IptrStorage, IndStorage, DataStorage, Iptr = I>
    I: SpIndex,
    Iptr: SpIndex,
    IptrStorage: Deref<Target = [Iptr]>,
    IndStorage: Deref<Target = [I]>,
    DataStorage: Deref<Target = [N]>,
    storage: CompressedStorage,
    nrows: usize,
    ncols: usize,
    #[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", serde(flatten))]
    indptr: IndPtrBase<Iptr, IptrStorage>,
    indices: IndStorage,
    data: DataStorage,

pub type CsMatI<N, I, Iptr = I> =
    CsMatBase<N, I, Vec<Iptr>, Vec<I>, Vec<N>, Iptr>;
pub type CsMatViewI<'a, N, I, Iptr = I> =
    CsMatBase<N, I, &'a [Iptr], &'a [I], &'a [N], Iptr>;
pub type CsMatViewMutI<'a, N, I, Iptr = I> =
    CsMatBase<N, I, &'a [Iptr], &'a [I], &'a mut [N], Iptr>;
pub type CsMatVecView_<'a, N, I, Iptr = I> =
    CsMatBase<N, I, Array2<Iptr>, &'a [I], &'a [N], Iptr>;

pub type CsMat<N> = CsMatI<N, usize>;
pub type CsMatView<'a, N> = CsMatViewI<'a, N, usize>;
pub type CsMatViewMut<'a, N> = CsMatViewMutI<'a, N, usize>;
// FIXME: a fixed size array would be better, but no Deref impl
pub type CsMatVecView<'a, N> = CsMatVecView_<'a, N, usize>;

pub type CsStructureViewI<'a, I, Iptr = I> = CsMatViewI<'a, (), I, Iptr>;
pub type CsStructureView<'a> = CsStructureViewI<'a, usize>;
pub type CsStructureI<I, Iptr = I> = CsMatI<(), I, Iptr>;
pub type CsStructure = CsStructureI<usize>;

/// A sparse vector, storing the indices of its non-zero data.
/// A `CsVec` represents a sparse vector by storing a sorted `indices()` array
/// containing the locations of the non-zero values and a `data()` array
/// containing the corresponding values. The format is compatible with `CsMat`,
/// ie a `CsVec` can represent the row of a CSR matrix without any copying.
/// Similar to [`CsMat`] and [`TriMat`], the `CsVecBase` type is parameterized
/// over the indexing storage backend `IStorage` and the data storage backend
/// `DStorage`. Type aliases are provided for common cases: [`CsVec`] represents
/// a sparse vector owning its data, with `Vec`s as storage backends;
/// [`CsVecView`] represents a sparse vector borrowing its data, using slices
/// as storage backends; and [`CsVecViewMut`] represents a sparse vector that
/// mutably borrows its data (but immutably borrows its indices).
/// Additionaly, the type aliases [`CsVecI`], [`CsVecViewI`], and
/// [`CsVecViewMutI`] can be used to choose an index type different from the
/// default `usize`.
/// [`CsMat`]: struct.CsMatBase.html
/// [`TriMat`]: struct.TriMatBase.html
/// [`CsVec`]: type.CsVec.html
/// [`CsVecView`]: type.CsVecView.html
/// [`CsVecViewMut`]: type.CsVecViewMut.html
/// [`CsVecI`]: type.CsVecI.html
/// [`CsVecViewI`]: type.CsVecViewI.html
/// [`CsVecViewMutI`]: type.CsVecViewMutI.html

#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
    feature = "serde",
    serde(try_from = "CsVecBaseShadow<IStorage, DStorage, N, I>")
pub struct CsVecBase<IStorage, DStorage, N, I: SpIndex = usize>
    IStorage: Deref<Target = [I]>,
    DStorage: Deref<Target = [N]>,
    dim: usize,
    indices: IStorage,
    data: DStorage,

pub type CsVecI<N, I = usize> = CsVecBase<Vec<I>, Vec<N>, N, I>;
pub type CsVecViewI<'a, N, I = usize> = CsVecBase<&'a [I], &'a [N], N, I>;
pub type CsVecViewMutI<'a, N, I = usize> =
    CsVecBase<&'a [I], &'a mut [N], N, I>;

pub type CsVecView<'a, N> = CsVecViewI<'a, N>;
pub type CsVecViewMut<'a, N> = CsVecViewMutI<'a, N>;
pub type CsVec<N> = CsVecI<N>;

/// Sparse matrix in the triplet format.
/// Sparse matrices in the triplet format use three arrays of equal sizes (accessible through the
/// methods [`row_inds`], [`col_inds`], [`data`]), the first one
/// storing the row indices of non-zero values, the second storing the
/// corresponding column indices and the last array storing the corresponding
/// scalar value. If a non-zero location is repeated in the arrays, the
/// non-zero value is taken as the sum of the corresponding scalar entries.
/// [`row_inds`]: struct.TriMatBase.html#method.row_inds
/// [`col_inds`]: struct.TriMatBase.html#method.col_inds
/// [`data`]: struct.TriMatBase.html#method.data
/// This format is useful for iteratively building a sparse matrix, since the
/// various non-zero entries can be specified in any order, or even partially
/// as is common in physics with partial derivatives equations.
/// This format cannot be used for arithmetic operations. Arithmetic operations
/// are more efficient in the [compressed format](struct.CsMatBase.html).
/// A matrix in the triplet format can be converted to the compressed format
/// using the methods [`to_csc`] and [`to_csr`].
/// [`to_csc`]: struct.TriMatBase.html#method.to_csc
/// [`to_csr`]: struct.TriMatBase.html#method.to_csr
/// The `TriMatBase` type is parameterized by the storage type for the row and
/// column indices, `IStorage`, and by the storage type for the non-zero values
/// `DStorage`. Convenient aliases are availaible to specify frequent variant:
/// [`TriMat`] refers to a triplet matrix owning the storage of its indices and
/// and values, [`TriMatView`] refers to a triplet matrix with slices to store
/// its indices and values, while [`TriMatViewMut`] refers to a a triplet matrix
/// using mutable slices.
/// Additionaly, the type aliases [`TriMatI`], [`TriMatViewI`] and
/// [`TriMatViewMutI`] can be used to choose an index type different from the
/// default `usize`.
/// [`TriMat`]: type.TriMat.html
/// [`TriMatView`]: type.TriMatView.html
/// [`TriMatViewMut`]: type.TriMatViewMut.html
/// [`TriMatI`]: type.TriMatI.html
/// [`TriMatViewI`]: type.TriMatViewI.html
/// [`TriMatViewMutI`]: type.TriMatViewMutI.html
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Hash)]
pub struct TriMatBase<IStorage, DStorage> {
    rows: usize,
    cols: usize,
    row_inds: IStorage,
    col_inds: IStorage,
    data: DStorage,

pub type TriMatI<N, I> = TriMatBase<Vec<I>, Vec<N>>;
pub type TriMatViewI<'a, N, I> = TriMatBase<&'a [I], &'a [N]>;
pub type TriMatViewMutI<'a, N, I> = TriMatBase<&'a mut [I], &'a mut [N]>;

pub type TriMat<N> = TriMatI<N, usize>;
pub type TriMatView<'a, N> = TriMatViewI<'a, N, usize>;
pub type TriMatViewMut<'a, N> = TriMatViewMutI<'a, N, usize>;

/// An iterator over elements of a sparse matrix, in the triplet format
/// The dataypes RI, CI, and DI are iterators yielding the row, column and
/// values of non-zero entries.
/// As in `TriMat`, no order guarantee is provided and the same location can
/// appear multiple times. The non-zero value is then considered as the sum
/// of all the entries sharing its location.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct TriMatIter<RI, CI, DI> {
    rows: usize,
    cols: usize,
    nnz: usize,
    row_inds: RI,
    col_inds: CI,
    data: DI,

mod prelude {
    pub use super::{
        CsMat, CsMatBase, CsMatI, CsMatVecView, CsMatVecView_, CsMatView,
        CsMatViewI, CsMatViewMut, CsMatViewMutI, CsStructure, CsStructureI,
        CsStructureView, CsStructureViewI, CsVec, CsVecBase, CsVecI, CsVecView,
        CsVecViewI, CsVecViewMut, CsVecViewMutI, SparseMat, TriMat, TriMatBase,
        TriMatI, TriMatIter, TriMatView, TriMatViewI, TriMatViewMut,

/// A trait for common members of sparse matrices
pub trait SparseMat {
    /// The number of rows of this matrix
    fn rows(&self) -> usize;

    /// The number of columns of this matrix
    fn cols(&self) -> usize;

    /// The number of nonzeros of this matrix
    fn nnz(&self) -> usize;

pub(crate) mod utils {
    use super::*;
    use ndarray::Axis;
    use std::convert::TryInto;

    /// Check the structure of `CsMat` components
    /// This will ensure that:
    /// * indptr is of length `outer_dim() + 1`
    /// * indices and data have the same length, `nnz == indptr[outer_dims()]`
    /// * indptr is sorted
    /// * indptr values do not exceed [`usize::MAX`](usize::MAX)`/ 2`, as that would mean
    ///   indices and indptr would take more space than the addressable memory
    /// * indices is sorted for each outer slice
    /// * indices are lower than `inner_dims()`
    pub(crate) fn check_compressed_structure<I: SpIndex, Iptr: SpIndex>(
        inner: usize,
        outer: usize,
        indptr: &[Iptr],
        indices: &[I],
    ) -> Result<(), StructureError> {
        let indptr =
            crate::IndPtrView::new_checked(indptr).map_err(|(_, e)| e)?;
        if indptr.len() != outer + 1 {
            return Err(StructureError::SizeMismatch(
                "Indptr length does not match dimension",
        // Make sure Iptr and I can represent all types for this size
        if I::from(inner).is_none() {
            return Err(StructureError::OutOfRange(
                "Index type not large enough for this matrix",
        if Iptr::from(outer + 1).is_none() {
            return Err(StructureError::OutOfRange(
                "Iptr type not large enough for this matrix",
        // Make sure indices can be converted to usize
        // this could happen if index is negative for sized types
        for i in indices.iter() {
            if i.try_index().is_none() {
                return Err(StructureError::OutOfRange(
                    "Indices value out of range of usize",
        let nnz = indices.len();
        if nnz != indptr.nnz() {
            return Err(StructureError::SizeMismatch(
                "Indices length and inpdtr's nnz do not match",

        // check that the indices are sorted for each row
        for range in indptr.iter_outer_sz() {
            let indices = &indices[range];
            // Indices must be monotonically increasing
            if !sorted_indices(indices) {
                return Err(StructureError::Unsorted("Indices are not sorted"));
            // Last index (which is the largest) must be in bounds
            if let Some(i) = indices.last() {
                if i.to_usize().unwrap() >= inner {
                    return Err(StructureError::OutOfRange(
                        "Indice is larger than inner dimension",


    pub fn sorted_indices<I: SpIndex>(indices: &[I]) -> bool {
        for w in indices.windows(2) {
            // w will always be a size 2
            let &[i1, i2]: &[I; 2] = w.try_into().unwrap();
            if i2 <= i1 {
                return false;

    pub fn sort_indices_data_slices<N: Clone, I: SpIndex>(
        indices: &mut [I],
        data: &mut [N],
        buf: &mut Vec<(I, N)>,
    ) {
        let len = indices.len();
        assert_eq!(len, data.len());
        let indices = &mut indices[..len];
        let data = &mut data[..len];
        for (i, v) in indices.iter().zip(data.iter()) {
            buf.push((*i, v.clone()));

        buf.sort_unstable_by_key(|x| x.0);

        for ((i, x), (ind, v)) in buf
            *ind = i;
            *v = x;
    /// Return the axis which varies the fastest. For a
    /// `C`-style matrix this will be `Axis(1)`, for an
    /// 'F`-style matrix this will be `Axis(0)`
    pub(crate) fn fastest_axis<T>(mat: ndarray::ArrayView2<T>) -> Axis {
        if mat.strides()[1] > mat.strides()[0] {
        } else {
    pub(crate) fn slowest_axis<T>(mat: ndarray::ArrayView2<T>) -> Axis {
        match fastest_axis(mat) {
            Axis(1) => Axis(0),
            Axis(0) => Axis(1),
            _ => unreachable!(),

pub mod binop;
pub mod compressed;
pub mod construct;
pub mod csmat;
pub mod indptr;
pub mod kronecker;
pub mod linalg;
pub mod permutation;
pub mod prod;
pub mod slicing;
pub mod smmp;
pub mod special_mats;
pub mod symmetric;
pub mod to_dense;
pub mod triplet;
pub mod triplet_iter;
pub mod vec;
pub mod visu;

mod test {

    use super::utils;
    fn test_sort_indices() {
        let mut idx: Vec<usize> = vec![4, 1, 6, 2];
        let mut dat: Vec<i32> = vec![4, -1, 2, -3];
        let mut buf: Vec<(usize, i32)> = Vec::new();
        utils::sort_indices_data_slices(&mut idx[..], &mut dat[..], &mut buf);
        assert_eq!(idx, vec![1, 2, 4, 6]);
        assert_eq!(dat, vec![-1, -3, 4, 2]);

    fn test_sorted_indices() {
        use utils::sorted_indices;
        assert!(sorted_indices(&[1, 2, 3]));
        assert!(sorted_indices(&[1, 2, 8]));
        assert!(!sorted_indices(&[1, 1, 3]));
        assert!(!sorted_indices(&[2, 1, 3]));
        assert!(sorted_indices(&[1, 2]));

    fn test_fastest_axis() {
        use ndarray::{arr2, s, Array2, Axis, ShapeBuilder};
        use utils::fastest_axis;
        let arr = arr2(&[[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
        assert_eq!(fastest_axis(arr.view()), Axis(1));

        let arr = Array2::<i32>::zeros((10, 9));
        assert_eq!(fastest_axis(arr.view()), Axis(1));
        let arrslice = arr.slice(s![..;2, ..;3]);
        assert_eq!(fastest_axis(arrslice.view()), Axis(1));

        let arr = Array2::<i32>::zeros((10, 9).f());
        assert_eq!(fastest_axis(arr.view()), Axis(0));
        let arrslice = arr.slice(s![..;2, ..;3]);
        assert_eq!(fastest_axis(arrslice.view()), Axis(0));