sprocket_engine 0.2.1

A vulkan game engine
# Sprocket
A modular and extensible game engine and game framework written in Rust

## Development
Sprocket is still in very early development and no features are to be considered stable

## Requirements
* cargo <https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install>
* cmake <https://cmake.org/download/> (for glfw)

Sprocket uses the cargo build system with which means that all rust dependencies are automatically downloaded.

There are however some additional dependencies that cannot be resolved automatically and need to be installed automatically

### Linux

Install dependencies with your package manager
sudo apt install xorg-dev cmake           # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo pacman -S xorg-server-devel cmake    # Arch/Manjaro
sudo xbps-install libX11-devel cmake      # Void

Make sure Rust is installed. See <https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install>

Build the project

`cargo build`

The first build may take a while as it needs to download all Rust dependencies, but subsequent builds will take much less time.

### Windows

Install Rust and cmake manually



Build the project

`cargo build`

## Running Sandbox
`cargo run -p sandbox`

This will automatically build the project if it is out of date