spongedown 0.3.1

Converts markdown to html with svgbob support
<meta charset="utf-8" /> 
<title>Spongedown - md to html with svg support</title>
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## Spongedown

| 中文处理 | Data | CJK |
| 1        | 2    | 3   |


                                        .--&gt; Base::Class::Derived_A
                                      .----&gt; Base::Class::Derived_B
      Something -------.             /         \
                        \           /           .---&gt; Base::Class::Derived
      Something::else    \         /             \
            \             \       /               '--&gt; Base::Class::Derived
             \             \     /
              \             \   .-----------&gt; Base::Class::Derived_C
               \             \ /
                '------ Base::Class
                       /  \ \ \
                      '    \ \ \
                      |     \ \ \
                      .      \ \ '--- The::Latest
                     /|       \ \      \
 With::Some::fantasy  '        \ \      '---- The::Latest::Greatest
                     /|         \ \
         More::Stuff  '          \ '- I::Am::Running::Out::Of::Ideas
                     /|           \
         More::Stuff  '            \
                     /              '--- Last::One
       More::Stuff  V

|                      |
|       中文处理       |
|       12345678       |
|                      |

             .---.  .---. .---.  .---.    .---.  .---.
    OS API   '---'  '---' '---'  '---'    '---'  '---'
               |      |     |      |        |      |
               v      v     |      v        |      v
             .------------. | .-----------. |  .-----.
             |  文件系统  | | |   调度器  | |  | MMU |
             '------------' | '-----------' |  '-----'
                    |       |      |        |
                    v       |      |        v
                 .----.     |      |    .---------.
                 | IO |&lt;----'      |    |   网络  |
                 '----'            |    '---------'
                    |              |         |
                    v              v         v
             |              硬件抽象层               |


And a text
with abbr

fn main(){
    println!(&quot;hello world!&quot;);


Generated files use .atxt extension. (&quot;a&quot; as ASCII art : to NOT overide any existing .txt files!). Here is the result:

     ,---.             |
     |Bob|            / \
     `-+-'           Alice
       |    hello      |
       |               |
       |  Is it ok?    |
       |&lt;- - - - - - - |
     ,-+-.           Alice
     |Bob|            ,-.
     `---'            `-'
                      / \


The default txt format uses only plain ASCII characters. It is possible to use few extended Unicode characters to have a slightly better result. You should use the -utxt flag in the command line, or the utxt format in the ANT task.


     ┌───┐             │
     │Bob│            ┌┴┐
     └─┬─┘           Alice
       │    hello      │
       │               │
       │  Is it ok?    │
       │&lt;─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │
     ┌─┴─┐           Alice
     │Bob│            ┌─┐
     └───┘            ║&quot;│


They are two drawbacks of using utxt:

    The result is UTF-8 encoded, and sometimes this is an issue (mail gateway, editors...)
    The used font must have the used extended characters (like Courier, Courier New...)

Complexe Diagram
You can even try complex example if you wish.

'hide footbox

participant &quot;Bob on\nseveral lines&quot; as Bob
actor Alice

Bob -&gt; Alice : hello
note right of Alice
  this is a note
end note

Alice -&gt; Bob : Is it ok\nwith a message that is\non several lines?

note right
  This other note
  should work
  on several lines
end note

== This is a separation ==

Bob -&gt; Last : Yes it works!
Last -&gt; Last : working in progress
note left : this is\nanother note

Last --&gt; Last : working in progress

Last --&gt; Bob : done

opt dummy comment
  Bob -&gt; Last : Error\nOn\nSeveral\nLine
  Last --&gt; Bob : None
  Last --&gt; Bob : None
  Last -&gt; Bob : None
else other
  Last -&gt; Bob : None
  note over Alice, Last
    This is a long note
    over Alice and Last
  end note
  Last -&gt; Bob : None
  Last -&gt; Bob : None




               ,-------------.               /|\
               |Bob on       |                |             ,----.
               |several lines|               / \            |Last|
               `------+------'              Alice           `-+--'
                      |        hello          |               |
                      |----------------------&gt;|               |
                      |                       |               |
                      |                       | ,--------------!.
                      |                       | |this is a note|_\
                      |                       | `----------------'
                      |Is it ok               | ,----------------!.
                      |with a message that is | |This other note |_\
                      |on several lines?      | |should work       |
                      |&lt;----------------------| |on several lines  |
                      |                       | `------------------'
                      |                       |               |
                      |              ======================== |
====================================== This is a separation =======================================
                      |              ======================== |
                      |                       |               |
                      |            Yes it works!              |
                      |                       |               |
                      |                       ,------------!. |----.
                      |                       |this is     |_\|    | working in progress
                      |                       |another note  ||&lt;---'
                      |                       `--------------'|
                      |                       |               |- - .
                      |                       |               |    | working in progress
                      |                       |               |&lt; - '
                      |                       |               |
                      |                 done  |               |
                      |&lt;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
                      |                       |               |
     ! OPT  /  dummy comment                  |               |            !
     !_____/          |                       |               |            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |               Error   |               |            !
     !                |               On      |               |            !
     !                |               Several |               |            !
     !                |               Line    |               |            !
     !                |--------------------------------------&gt;|            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;--------------------------------------|            !
     ! [other]        |                       |               |            !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;--------------------------------------|            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |                    ,-------------------!.          !
     !                |                    |This is a long note|_\         !
     !                |                    |over Alice and Last  |         !
     !                |                    `---------------------'         !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;--------------------------------------|            !
     !                |                       |               |            !
     !                |                 None  |               |            !
     !                |&lt;--------------------------------------|            !
               ,------+------.              Alice           ,-+--.
               |Bob on       |               ,-.            |Last|
               |several lines|               `-'            `----'
               `-------------'               /|\
                                             / \

Same example using Unicode

               ┌─────────────┐               ┌┼┐
               │Bob on       │                │             ┌────┐
               │several lines│               ┌┴┐            │Last│
               └──────┬──────┘              Alice           └─┬──┘
                      │        hello          │               │
                      │──────────────────────&gt;│               │
                      │                       │               │
                      │                       │ ╔═════════════╧══╗
                      │                       │ ║this is a note ░║
                      │                       │ ╚═════════════╤══╝
                      │Is it ok               │ ╔═════════════╧════╗
                      │with a message that is │ ║This other note  ░║
                      │on several lines?      │ ║should work       ║
                      │&lt;──────────────────────│ ║on several lines  ║
                      │                       │ ╚═════════════╤════╝
                      │                       │               │
                      │              ╔════════╧═════════════╗ │
══════════════════════╪══════════════╣ This is a separation ╠═╪════════════════════════════════════
                      │              ╚════════╤═════════════╝ │
                      │                       │               │
                      │            Yes it works!              │
                      │                       │               │
                      │                       ╔══════════════╗│────┐
                      │                       ║this is      ░║│    │ working in progress
                      │                       ║another note  ║│&lt;───┘
                      │                       ╚══════════════╝│
                      │                       │               │─ ─ ┐
                      │                       │               │    | working in progress
                      │                       │               │&lt; ─ ┘
                      │                       │               │
                      │                 done  │               │
                      │&lt;─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │
                      │                       │               │
     ║ OPT  │  dummy comment                  │               │            ║
     ╟──────┘         │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │               Error   │               │            ║
     ║                │               On      │               │            ║
     ║                │               Several │               │            ║
     ║                │               Line    │               │            ║
     ║                │──────────────────────────────────────&gt;│            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ │            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;──────────────────────────────────────│            ║
     ║ [other]        │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;──────────────────────────────────────│            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                    ╔══╧═══════════════╧══╗         ║
     ║                │                    ║This is a long note ░║         ║
     ║                │                    ║over Alice and Last  ║         ║
     ║                │                    ╚══╤═══════════════╤══╝         ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;──────────────────────────────────────│            ║
     ║                │                       │               │            ║
     ║                │                 None  │               │            ║
     ║                │&lt;──────────────────────────────────────│            ║
               ┌──────┴──────┐              Alice           ┌─┴──┐
               │Bob on       │               ┌─┐            │Last│
               │several lines│               ║&quot;│            └────┘
               └─────────────┘               └┬┘

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<text x="473" y="316">
<p>And a text
with abbr</p>
<pre><code class="language-rust">fn main(){
    println!(&quot;hello world!&quot;);

<p>Generated files use .atxt extension. (&quot;a&quot; as ASCII art : to NOT overide any existing .txt files!). Here is the result:</p>
<div class='bob_container' style='width:208px;height:288px;'><svg class="bob" font-family="arial" font-size="14" height="288" width="208" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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The default txt format uses only plain ASCII characters. It is possible to use few extended Unicode characters to have a slightly better result. You should use the -utxt flag in the command line, or the utxt format in the ANT task.</p>
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<p>They are two drawbacks of using utxt:</p>
<pre><code>The result is UTF-8 encoded, and sometimes this is an issue (mail gateway, editors...)
The used font must have the used extended characters (like Courier, Courier New...)
<p>Complexe Diagram
You can even try complex example if you wish.</p>
'hide footbox</p>
<p>participant &quot;Bob on\nseveral lines&quot; as Bob
actor Alice</p>
<p>Bob -&gt; Alice : hello
note right of Alice
this is a note
end note</p>
<p>Alice -&gt; Bob : Is it ok\nwith a message that is\non several lines?</p>
<p>note right
This other note
should work
on several lines
end note</p>
<p>== This is a separation ==</p>
<p>Bob -&gt; Last : Yes it works!
Last -&gt; Last : working in progress
note left : this is\nanother note</p>
<p>Last --&gt; Last : working in progress</p>
<p>Last --&gt; Bob : done</p>
<p>opt dummy comment
Bob -&gt; Last : Error\nOn\nSeveral\nLine
Last --&gt; Bob : None
Last --&gt; Bob : None
Last -&gt; Bob : None
else other
Last -&gt; Bob : None
note over Alice, Last
This is a long note
over Alice and Last
end note
Last -&gt; Bob : None
Last -&gt; Bob : None
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<p>Same example using Unicode</p>
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