sponge_string 0.1.1

SpOnGe StRiNg In RuSt
# sponge_string_rs
HeY tHeRe! YoU cAn UsE tHiS cRaTe To CrEaTe SpOnGe TeXt.

## InStAlLaTiOn
AdD tHe FoLlOwInG iN yOuR `Cargo.toml`:
version = "*"
YoU cAn RePlAcE `*` wItH tHe VeRsIoN aT tHe ToP oF tHiS rEaDmE.

## ExAmPlE
extern crate sponge_string;

use sponge_string::jumble;

fn main() {
    let stdin = std::io::stdin();

    loop {
        let mut line = "".to_owned();

        match stdin.read_line(&mut line) {
            Ok(_) => (),
            Err(e) => {
                println!("The following error has occured: {:?}", e);

        println!("{}", jumble(&line));