[][src]Crate splr

a SAT Solver for Propositional Logic in Rust

Splr is a pure Rustic SAT solver, based on Glucose 4.1. It adopts various research results on SAT solvers:

  • CDCL, watch literals, VSIDS and so on from Minisat and the ancestors
  • Glucose-like dynamic blocking/forcing restarts based on EMAs
  • heuristics adaptation
  • pre/in-process simplification based on clause subsumption and variable elimination

Many thanks to SAT researchers.


Splr is a standalone program, taking a CNF file. The result will be saved to a file.

$ splr tests/sample.cnf
$ splr tests/sample.cnf
sample.cnf                                         250,1065 |time:     0.38
 #conflict:      22372, #decision:        25940, #propagate:        1005304
  Assignment|#rem:      235, #fix:        1, #elm:       14, prg%:   6.0000
 Clause Kind|Remv:     8414, LBD2:       60, Binc:        0, Perm:     1078
     Restart|#BLK:      312, #RST:        0, eASG:   0.4327, eLBD:   0.8989
    Conflict|aLBD:     7.92, bjmp:     8.64, cnfl:    10.79 |#stg:        0
   Clause DB|#rdc:        5, #sce:        2 |blkR:   1.4000, frcK:   0.7800
    Strategy|mode: in the initial search phase to determine a main strategy
SATISFIABLE: tests/sample.cnf. The result was saved to ./.ans_sample.cnf.

$ cat .ans_sample.cnf
c An assignment set generated by splr-0.1.3 for tests/sample.cnf
c sample.cnf                                 , #var:      250, #cls:     1065
c  #conflict:      22372, #decision:        25940, #propagate:        1005304
c   Assignment|#rem:      235, #fix:        1, #elm:       14, prg%:   6.0000
c  Clause Kind|Remv:     8414, LBD2:       60, Binc:        0, Perm:     1078
c      Restart|#BLK:      312, #RST:        0, eASG:   0.4327, eLBD:   0.8989
c    Conflicts|aLBD:     7.92, bjmp:     8.64, cnfl:    10.79 |blkR:   1.4000
c    Clause DB|#rdc:        5, #sce:        2, #exe:        0 |frcK:   0.7800
c     Strategy|mode:        initial, time:     0.38
1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 -8 -9 10 -11 -12 -13 -14 15 16 -17 18 -19 -20 -21 -22 23 ... 0

$ dmcr tests/sample.cnf
Valid assignment set for tests/sample.cnf found in .ans_sample.cnf.

The answer file uses the following format.

  • It contains a single line starting with s and followed by SATISFIABLE or UNSATISFIABLE.
  • It ends a line of assignments separated by a space and 0 as EOL, if the problem is satisfiable. Otherwise it contains only 0.
  • Lines starting with c are comments, used for dumping statistics

Mnemonics in progress message

mnemonic meaning
v the number of variables used in the given CNF file
c the number of clauses used in the given CNF file
time elapsed CPU time in seconds (or wall-clock time if CPU time is not available)
#conflict the number of conflicts
#decision the number of decisions
#propagate the number of propagates (its unit is literal)
#rem the number of remaining variables
#fix the number of solved variables (which has been assigned a value at decision level zero)
#elm the number of eliminated variables
prg% the percentage of remaining variables / total variables
Remv the number of learnt clauses which are not biclauses
LBD2 the number of learnt clauses which LBDs are 2
Binc the number of binary learnt clauses
Perm the number of given clauses and binary learnt clauses
#BLK the number of blocking restart
#RST the number of restart
eASG a moving rate of the number of assigned variables
eLBD a moving rate of earn clause's LBD
aLBD the EMA, Exponential Moving Average, of learn clauses' LBDs
bjmp the EMA of decision levels at which conflicts occur
cnfl the EMA of decision levels to which backjumps go
blkR the coefficient for blocking restart, called 'R' in Glucose
#rdc the number of reduce invocations
#sce the number of satisfied clause eliminations done by simplify
#exe the number of exhaustive simplifications, that try both of clause subsumption and variable elimination
frcK the coefficient for forcing restart, called 'K' in Glucose
mode Selected strategy's id
frcK the elapsed CPU time in seconds

Command line options

Please check help message.

$ splr --help
splr 0.1.3
Shuji Narazaki <shujinarazaki@protonmail.com>
SAT solver for Propositional Logic in Rust, version 0.1.3

    splr [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <cnf_filename>

    -h, --help                         Prints help information
    -c, --certify                      Writes a DRAT UNSAT certification file
    -l, --log                          Uses Glucose format for progress report
    -V, --version                      Prints version information
    -M, --with-learnt-minimization     Enables learnt minimization
    -R, --without-adaptive_restart     Disables dynamic restart adaptation
    -S, --without-adaptive_strategy    Disables dynamic strategy adaptation
    -D, --without-deep-search          Disables deep search mode
    -E, --without-elim                 Disables exhaustive simplification

        --cl <clause_limit>           soft limit of #clauses (24M is about 4GB) [default: 0]
        --eg <elim_grow_limit>        grow limit of #clauses by var elimination [default: 4]
        --el <elim_lit_limit>         #literals in a clause by var elimination [default: 64]
    -o, --dir <output_dirname>        output directory [default: .]
    -p, --proof <proof_filename>      filename for DRAT certification [default: proof.out]
        --ra <restart_asg_len>        length for assignment average [default: 3500]
        --rb <restart_blocking>       blocking restart threshold [default: 1.40]
        --rl <restart_lbd_len>        length for LBD average [default: 50]
        --rs <restart_step>           #conflicts between restarts [default: 50]
        --rt <restart_threshold>      forcing restart threshold [default: 0.70]
    -r, --result <result_filename>    result filename/stdout [default: ]
        --to <timeout>                CPU time limit in sec. (0 for no limit) [default: 0]

    <cnf_filename>    a DIMACS format CNF file


While Splr comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, Splr version 0.1.0 (splr-0.1.0) was verified with the following problems:



Clause structure


Parameters used for Solver initialization


Pre/In-processor for clause subsumption and variable elimination


Assignment management


Solver restart implementation


The main structure


Collection of various data and parameters for SAT solving process


Interfaces between submodules


Plumping layer Basic types


validates a given assignment for a problem.


Var structure