splr 0.1.3

A pure rustic CDCL SAT solver based on Glucose
A SAT Solver for Propositional Logic in Rust

Splr is a pure [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org)ic SAT solver, based on [Glucose 4.1](https://www.labri.fr/perso/lsimon/glucose/).
It adopts various research results on SAT solvers:

- CDCL, watch literals, EVSIDS and so on from [Minisat]http://minisat.se and the ancestors
- Glucose-like dynamic blocking/forcing restarts based on [EMAs]https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.08905
- heuristics adaptation
- pre/in-process simplification based on clause subsumption and variable elimination

*Many thanks to SAT researchers.*

## Install

Just clone me, and `cargo install`.

Two executables will be installed:

- `splr` -- SAT solver
- `dmcr` -- A model checker to verify an assignment set which are generated by `splr`.

## Usage

Splr is a standalone program, taking a CNF file. The result will be saved to a file.

$ splr tests/sample.cnf
sample.cnf                                         250,1065 |time:     0.38
 #conflict:      22372, #decision:        25940, #propagate:        1005304
  Assignment|#rem:      235, #fix:        1, #elm:       14, prg%:   6.0000
 Clause Kind|Remv:     8414, LBD2:       60, Binc:        0, Perm:     1078
     Restart|#BLK:      312, #RST:        0, eASG:   0.4327, eLBD:   0.8989
    Conflict|aLBD:     7.92, bjmp:     8.64, cnfl:    10.79 |#stg:        0
   Clause DB|#rdc:        5, #sce:        2 |blkR:   1.4000, frcK:   0.7800
    Strategy|mode: in the initial search phase to determine a main strategy
SATISFIABLE: tests/sample.cnf. The result was saved to ./.ans_sample.cnf.

$ cat .ans_sample.cnf
c An assignment set generated by splr-0.1.3 for tests/sample.cnf
c sample.cnf                                 , #var:      250, #cls:     1065
c  #conflict:      22372, #decision:        25940, #propagate:        1005304
c   Assignment|#rem:      235, #fix:        1, #elm:       14, prg%:   6.0000
c  Clause Kind|Remv:     8414, LBD2:       60, Binc:        0, Perm:     1078
c      Restart|#BLK:      312, #RST:        0, eASG:   0.4327, eLBD:   0.8989
c    Conflicts|aLBD:     7.92, bjmp:     8.64, cnfl:    10.79 |blkR:   1.4000
c    Clause DB|#rdc:        5, #sce:        2, #exe:        0 |frcK:   0.7800
c     Strategy|mode:        initial, time:     0.38
1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 -8 -9 10 -11 -12 -13 -14 15 16 -17 18 -19 -20 -21 -22 23 ... 0

$ dmcr tests/sample.cnf
Valid assignment set for tests/sample.cnf found in .ans_sample.cnf.

## Correctness

While Splr comes with **ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY**, Splr version 0.1.0 (splr-0.1.0) was verified with the following problems:

* The first 100 problems from
  [250 variables uniform random satisfiable 3-SAT]https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos/SATLIB/Benchmarks/SAT/RND3SAT/uf250-1065.tar.gz
  : all the solutions are correct.
* The first 100 problems from
  [250 variables uniform random unsatisfiable 3-SAT]https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~hoos/SATLIB/Benchmarks/SAT/RND3SAT/uuf250-1065.tar.gz
  : all the solutions are correct and verified with [drat-trim]http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~marijn/drat-trim/.
* [SAT Competition 2017]https://baldur.iti.kit.edu/sat-competition-2017/index.php?cat=tracks,
  [Main track]https://baldur.iti.kit.edu/sat-competition-2017/benchmarks/Main.zip
  : with a 2000 sec timeout, splr-0.1.0 solved:
  * 72 satisfiable problems: all the solutions are correct.
  * 51 unsatisfiable problems: [Lingeling]http://fmv.jku.at/lingeling/ or Glucose completely returns the same result. And,
     * 37 certificates generated by splr-0.1.1 were verified with drat-trim.
     * The remaining 14 certificates weren't able to be verified due to [timeout]https://gitlab.com/satisfiability01/splr/issues/74#note_142021555 by drat-trim.

## License

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

2019, Shuji Narazaki