spl-token-cli 2.2.0

SPL-Token Command-line Utility
spl-token-cli-2.2.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: spl-token-cli-3.4.1

SPL Token program command-line utility

A basic command-line for creating and using SPL Tokens. See https://spl.solana.com/token for more details


To build the CLI locally, simply run:

cargo build


The tests require locally built programs for Token, Token-2022, and Associated Token Account. To build these, you can run:


This method uses the local build.rs file, which can be error-prone, so alternatively, you can build the programs by running the following commands from this directory:

cargo build-sbf --manifest-path ../program/Cargo.toml
cargo build-sbf --manifest-path ../program-2022/Cargo.toml
cargo build-sbf --manifest-path ../../associated-token-account/program/Cargo.toml

After that, you can run the tests as any other Rust project:

cargo test