spirv_headers 1.1.3

Rust definition of SPIR-V structs and enums
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

//   external/spirv.core.grammar.json.

pub type Word = u32;
pub const MAGIC_NUMBER: u32 = 0x07230203;
pub const MAJOR_VERSION: u32 = 1;
pub const MINOR_VERSION: u32 = 1;
pub const REVISION: u32 = 3;

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [ImageOperands](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_image_operands_a_image_operands)
    pub flags ImageOperands : u32 {
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_NONE = 0x0000,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_BIAS = 0x0001,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_LOD = 0x0002,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_GRAD = 0x0004,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_CONST_OFFSET = 0x0008,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_OFFSET = 0x0010,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_CONST_OFFSETS = 0x0020,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_SAMPLE = 0x0040,
        const IMAGE_OPERANDS_MIN_LOD = 0x0080,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [FPFastMathMode](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_fp_fast_math_mode_a_fp_fast_math_mode)
    pub flags FPFastMathMode : u32 {
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_NONE = 0x0000,
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_NOT_NA_N = 0x0001,
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_NOT_INF = 0x0002,
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_NSZ = 0x0004,
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_ALLOW_RECIP = 0x0008,
        const FPFAST_MATH_MODE_FAST = 0x0010,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [SelectionControl](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_selection_control_a_selection_control)
    pub flags SelectionControl : u32 {
        const SELECTION_CONTROL_NONE = 0x0000,
        const SELECTION_CONTROL_FLATTEN = 0x0001,
        const SELECTION_CONTROL_DONT_FLATTEN = 0x0002,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [LoopControl](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_loop_control_a_loop_control)
    pub flags LoopControl : u32 {
        const LOOP_CONTROL_NONE = 0x0000,
        const LOOP_CONTROL_UNROLL = 0x0001,
        const LOOP_CONTROL_DONT_UNROLL = 0x0002,
        const LOOP_CONTROL_DEPENDENCY_LENGTH = 0x0008,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [FunctionControl](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_function_control_a_function_control)
    pub flags FunctionControl : u32 {
        const FUNCTION_CONTROL_NONE = 0x0000,
        const FUNCTION_CONTROL_INLINE = 0x0001,
        const FUNCTION_CONTROL_DONT_INLINE = 0x0002,
        const FUNCTION_CONTROL_PURE = 0x0004,
        const FUNCTION_CONTROL_CONST = 0x0008,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [MemorySemantics](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_memory_semantics_a_memory_semantics)
    pub flags MemorySemantics : u32 {
        const MEMORY_SEMANTICS_RELAXED = 0x0000,
        const MEMORY_SEMANTICS_NONE = 0x0000,
        const MEMORY_SEMANTICS_ACQUIRE = 0x0002,
        const MEMORY_SEMANTICS_RELEASE = 0x0004,
        const MEMORY_SEMANTICS_IMAGE_MEMORY = 0x0800,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [MemoryAccess](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_memory_access_a_memory_access)
    pub flags MemoryAccess : u32 {
        const MEMORY_ACCESS_NONE = 0x0000,
        const MEMORY_ACCESS_VOLATILE = 0x0001,
        const MEMORY_ACCESS_ALIGNED = 0x0002,
        const MEMORY_ACCESS_NONTEMPORAL = 0x0004,

    /// SPIR-V operand kind: [KernelProfilingInfo](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_kernel_profiling_info_a_kernel_profiling_info)
    pub flags KernelProfilingInfo : u32 {
        const KERNEL_PROFILING_INFO_NONE = 0x0000,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [SourceLanguage](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_source_language_a_source_language)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum SourceLanguage {
    Unknown = 0,
    ESSL = 1,
    GLSL = 2,
    OpenCL_C = 3,
    OpenCL_CPP = 4,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [ExecutionModel](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_execution_model_a_execution_model)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ExecutionModel {
    Vertex = 0,
    TessellationControl = 1,
    TessellationEvaluation = 2,
    Geometry = 3,
    Fragment = 4,
    GLCompute = 5,
    Kernel = 6,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [AddressingModel](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_addressing_model_a_addressing_model)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum AddressingModel {
    Logical = 0,
    Physical32 = 1,
    Physical64 = 2,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [MemoryModel](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_memory_model_a_memory_model)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum MemoryModel {
    Simple = 0,
    GLSL450 = 1,
    OpenCL = 2,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [ExecutionMode](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_execution_mode_a_execution_mode)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ExecutionMode {
    Invocations = 0,
    SpacingEqual = 1,
    SpacingFractionalEven = 2,
    SpacingFractionalOdd = 3,
    VertexOrderCw = 4,
    VertexOrderCcw = 5,
    PixelCenterInteger = 6,
    OriginUpperLeft = 7,
    OriginLowerLeft = 8,
    EarlyFragmentTests = 9,
    PointMode = 10,
    Xfb = 11,
    DepthReplacing = 12,
    DepthGreater = 14,
    DepthLess = 15,
    DepthUnchanged = 16,
    LocalSize = 17,
    LocalSizeHint = 18,
    InputPoints = 19,
    InputLines = 20,
    InputLinesAdjacency = 21,
    Triangles = 22,
    InputTrianglesAdjacency = 23,
    Quads = 24,
    Isolines = 25,
    OutputVertices = 26,
    OutputPoints = 27,
    OutputLineStrip = 28,
    OutputTriangleStrip = 29,
    VecTypeHint = 30,
    ContractionOff = 31,
    Initializer = 33,
    Finalizer = 34,
    SubgroupSize = 35,
    SubgroupsPerWorkgroup = 36,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [StorageClass](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_storage_class_a_storage_class)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum StorageClass {
    UniformConstant = 0,
    Input = 1,
    Uniform = 2,
    Output = 3,
    Workgroup = 4,
    CrossWorkgroup = 5,
    Private = 6,
    Function = 7,
    Generic = 8,
    PushConstant = 9,
    AtomicCounter = 10,
    Image = 11,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [Dim](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_dim_a_dim)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Dim {
    Dim1D = 0,
    Dim2D = 1,
    Dim3D = 2,
    DimCube = 3,
    DimRect = 4,
    DimBuffer = 5,
    DimSubpassData = 6,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [SamplerAddressingMode](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_sampler_addressing_mode_a_sampler_addressing_mode)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum SamplerAddressingMode {
    None = 0,
    ClampToEdge = 1,
    Clamp = 2,
    Repeat = 3,
    RepeatMirrored = 4,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [SamplerFilterMode](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_sampler_filter_mode_a_sampler_filter_mode)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum SamplerFilterMode {
    Nearest = 0,
    Linear = 1,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [ImageFormat](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_image_format_a_image_format)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ImageFormat {
    Unknown = 0,
    Rgba32f = 1,
    Rgba16f = 2,
    R32f = 3,
    Rgba8 = 4,
    Rgba8Snorm = 5,
    Rg32f = 6,
    Rg16f = 7,
    R11fG11fB10f = 8,
    R16f = 9,
    Rgba16 = 10,
    Rgb10A2 = 11,
    Rg16 = 12,
    Rg8 = 13,
    R16 = 14,
    R8 = 15,
    Rgba16Snorm = 16,
    Rg16Snorm = 17,
    Rg8Snorm = 18,
    R16Snorm = 19,
    R8Snorm = 20,
    Rgba32i = 21,
    Rgba16i = 22,
    Rgba8i = 23,
    R32i = 24,
    Rg32i = 25,
    Rg16i = 26,
    Rg8i = 27,
    R16i = 28,
    R8i = 29,
    Rgba32ui = 30,
    Rgba16ui = 31,
    Rgba8ui = 32,
    R32ui = 33,
    Rgb10a2ui = 34,
    Rg32ui = 35,
    Rg16ui = 36,
    Rg8ui = 37,
    R16ui = 38,
    R8ui = 39,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [ImageChannelOrder](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_image_channel_order_a_image_channel_order)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ImageChannelOrder {
    R = 0,
    A = 1,
    RG = 2,
    RA = 3,
    RGB = 4,
    RGBA = 5,
    BGRA = 6,
    ARGB = 7,
    Intensity = 8,
    Luminance = 9,
    Rx = 10,
    RGx = 11,
    RGBx = 12,
    Depth = 13,
    DepthStencil = 14,
    sRGB = 15,
    sRGBx = 16,
    sRGBA = 17,
    sBGRA = 18,
    ABGR = 19,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [ImageChannelDataType](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_image_channel_data_type_a_image_channel_data_type)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum ImageChannelDataType {
    SnormInt8 = 0,
    SnormInt16 = 1,
    UnormInt8 = 2,
    UnormInt16 = 3,
    UnormShort565 = 4,
    UnormShort555 = 5,
    UnormInt101010 = 6,
    SignedInt8 = 7,
    SignedInt16 = 8,
    SignedInt32 = 9,
    UnsignedInt8 = 10,
    UnsignedInt16 = 11,
    UnsignedInt32 = 12,
    HalfFloat = 13,
    Float = 14,
    UnormInt24 = 15,
    UnormInt101010_2 = 16,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [FPRoundingMode](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_fp_rounding_mode_a_fp_rounding_mode)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum FPRoundingMode {
    RTE = 0,
    RTZ = 1,
    RTP = 2,
    RTN = 3,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [LinkageType](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_linkage_type_a_linkage_type)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum LinkageType {
    Export = 0,
    Import = 1,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [AccessQualifier](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_access_qualifier_a_access_qualifier)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum AccessQualifier {
    ReadOnly = 0,
    WriteOnly = 1,
    ReadWrite = 2,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [FunctionParameterAttribute](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_function_parameter_attribute_a_function_parameter_attribute)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum FunctionParameterAttribute {
    Zext = 0,
    Sext = 1,
    ByVal = 2,
    Sret = 3,
    NoAlias = 4,
    NoCapture = 5,
    NoWrite = 6,
    NoReadWrite = 7,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [Decoration](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_decoration_a_decoration)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Decoration {
    RelaxedPrecision = 0,
    SpecId = 1,
    Block = 2,
    BufferBlock = 3,
    RowMajor = 4,
    ColMajor = 5,
    ArrayStride = 6,
    MatrixStride = 7,
    GLSLShared = 8,
    GLSLPacked = 9,
    CPacked = 10,
    BuiltIn = 11,
    NoPerspective = 13,
    Flat = 14,
    Patch = 15,
    Centroid = 16,
    Sample = 17,
    Invariant = 18,
    Restrict = 19,
    Aliased = 20,
    Volatile = 21,
    Constant = 22,
    Coherent = 23,
    NonWritable = 24,
    NonReadable = 25,
    Uniform = 26,
    SaturatedConversion = 28,
    Stream = 29,
    Location = 30,
    Component = 31,
    Index = 32,
    Binding = 33,
    DescriptorSet = 34,
    Offset = 35,
    XfbBuffer = 36,
    XfbStride = 37,
    FuncParamAttr = 38,
    FPRoundingMode = 39,
    FPFastMathMode = 40,
    LinkageAttributes = 41,
    NoContraction = 42,
    InputAttachmentIndex = 43,
    Alignment = 44,
    MaxByteOffset = 45,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [BuiltIn](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_built_in_a_built_in)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum BuiltIn {
    Position = 0,
    PointSize = 1,
    ClipDistance = 3,
    CullDistance = 4,
    VertexId = 5,
    InstanceId = 6,
    PrimitiveId = 7,
    InvocationId = 8,
    Layer = 9,
    ViewportIndex = 10,
    TessLevelOuter = 11,
    TessLevelInner = 12,
    TessCoord = 13,
    PatchVertices = 14,
    FragCoord = 15,
    PointCoord = 16,
    FrontFacing = 17,
    SampleId = 18,
    SamplePosition = 19,
    SampleMask = 20,
    FragDepth = 22,
    HelperInvocation = 23,
    NumWorkgroups = 24,
    WorkgroupSize = 25,
    WorkgroupId = 26,
    LocalInvocationId = 27,
    GlobalInvocationId = 28,
    LocalInvocationIndex = 29,
    WorkDim = 30,
    GlobalSize = 31,
    EnqueuedWorkgroupSize = 32,
    GlobalOffset = 33,
    GlobalLinearId = 34,
    SubgroupSize = 36,
    SubgroupMaxSize = 37,
    NumSubgroups = 38,
    NumEnqueuedSubgroups = 39,
    SubgroupId = 40,
    SubgroupLocalInvocationId = 41,
    VertexIndex = 42,
    InstanceIndex = 43,
    SubgroupEqMaskKHR = 4416,
    SubgroupGeMaskKHR = 4417,
    SubgroupGtMaskKHR = 4418,
    SubgroupLeMaskKHR = 4419,
    SubgroupLtMaskKHR = 4420,
    BaseVertex = 4424,
    BaseInstance = 4425,
    DrawIndex = 4426,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [Scope](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_scope_a_scope)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Scope {
    CrossDevice = 0,
    Device = 1,
    Workgroup = 2,
    Subgroup = 3,
    Invocation = 4,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [GroupOperation](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_group_operation_a_group_operation)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum GroupOperation {
    Reduce = 0,
    InclusiveScan = 1,
    ExclusiveScan = 2,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [KernelEnqueueFlags](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_kernel_enqueue_flags_a_kernel_enqueue_flags)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum KernelEnqueueFlags {
    NoWait = 0,
    WaitKernel = 1,
    WaitWorkGroup = 2,

/// SPIR-V operand kind: [Capability](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_capability_a_capability)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Capability {
    Matrix = 0,
    Shader = 1,
    Geometry = 2,
    Tessellation = 3,
    Addresses = 4,
    Linkage = 5,
    Kernel = 6,
    Vector16 = 7,
    Float16Buffer = 8,
    Float16 = 9,
    Float64 = 10,
    Int64 = 11,
    Int64Atomics = 12,
    ImageBasic = 13,
    ImageReadWrite = 14,
    ImageMipmap = 15,
    Pipes = 17,
    Groups = 18,
    DeviceEnqueue = 19,
    LiteralSampler = 20,
    AtomicStorage = 21,
    Int16 = 22,
    TessellationPointSize = 23,
    GeometryPointSize = 24,
    ImageGatherExtended = 25,
    StorageImageMultisample = 27,
    UniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 28,
    SampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 29,
    StorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing = 30,
    StorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing = 31,
    ClipDistance = 32,
    CullDistance = 33,
    ImageCubeArray = 34,
    SampleRateShading = 35,
    ImageRect = 36,
    SampledRect = 37,
    GenericPointer = 38,
    Int8 = 39,
    InputAttachment = 40,
    SparseResidency = 41,
    MinLod = 42,
    Sampled1D = 43,
    Image1D = 44,
    SampledCubeArray = 45,
    SampledBuffer = 46,
    ImageBuffer = 47,
    ImageMSArray = 48,
    StorageImageExtendedFormats = 49,
    ImageQuery = 50,
    DerivativeControl = 51,
    InterpolationFunction = 52,
    TransformFeedback = 53,
    GeometryStreams = 54,
    StorageImageReadWithoutFormat = 55,
    StorageImageWriteWithoutFormat = 56,
    MultiViewport = 57,
    SubgroupDispatch = 58,
    NamedBarrier = 59,
    PipeStorage = 60,
    SubgroupBallotKHR = 4423,
    DrawParameters = 4427,

/// SPIR-V [instructions](https://www.khronos.org/registry/spir-v/specs/1.1/SPIRV.html#_a_id_instructions_a_instructions) opcodes
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive)]
pub enum Op {
    Nop = 0,
    Undef = 1,
    SourceContinued = 2,
    Source = 3,
    SourceExtension = 4,
    Name = 5,
    MemberName = 6,
    String = 7,
    Line = 8,
    Extension = 10,
    ExtInstImport = 11,
    ExtInst = 12,
    MemoryModel = 14,
    EntryPoint = 15,
    ExecutionMode = 16,
    Capability = 17,
    TypeVoid = 19,
    TypeBool = 20,
    TypeInt = 21,
    TypeFloat = 22,
    TypeVector = 23,
    TypeMatrix = 24,
    TypeImage = 25,
    TypeSampler = 26,
    TypeSampledImage = 27,
    TypeArray = 28,
    TypeRuntimeArray = 29,
    TypeStruct = 30,
    TypeOpaque = 31,
    TypePointer = 32,
    TypeFunction = 33,
    TypeEvent = 34,
    TypeDeviceEvent = 35,
    TypeReserveId = 36,
    TypeQueue = 37,
    TypePipe = 38,
    TypeForwardPointer = 39,
    ConstantTrue = 41,
    ConstantFalse = 42,
    Constant = 43,
    ConstantComposite = 44,
    ConstantSampler = 45,
    ConstantNull = 46,
    SpecConstantTrue = 48,
    SpecConstantFalse = 49,
    SpecConstant = 50,
    SpecConstantComposite = 51,
    SpecConstantOp = 52,
    Function = 54,
    FunctionParameter = 55,
    FunctionEnd = 56,
    FunctionCall = 57,
    Variable = 59,
    ImageTexelPointer = 60,
    Load = 61,
    Store = 62,
    CopyMemory = 63,
    CopyMemorySized = 64,
    AccessChain = 65,
    InBoundsAccessChain = 66,
    PtrAccessChain = 67,
    ArrayLength = 68,
    GenericPtrMemSemantics = 69,
    InBoundsPtrAccessChain = 70,
    Decorate = 71,
    MemberDecorate = 72,
    DecorationGroup = 73,
    GroupDecorate = 74,
    GroupMemberDecorate = 75,
    VectorExtractDynamic = 77,
    VectorInsertDynamic = 78,
    VectorShuffle = 79,
    CompositeConstruct = 80,
    CompositeExtract = 81,
    CompositeInsert = 82,
    CopyObject = 83,
    Transpose = 84,
    SampledImage = 86,
    ImageSampleImplicitLod = 87,
    ImageSampleExplicitLod = 88,
    ImageSampleDrefImplicitLod = 89,
    ImageSampleDrefExplicitLod = 90,
    ImageSampleProjImplicitLod = 91,
    ImageSampleProjExplicitLod = 92,
    ImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 93,
    ImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 94,
    ImageFetch = 95,
    ImageGather = 96,
    ImageDrefGather = 97,
    ImageRead = 98,
    ImageWrite = 99,
    Image = 100,
    ImageQueryFormat = 101,
    ImageQueryOrder = 102,
    ImageQuerySizeLod = 103,
    ImageQuerySize = 104,
    ImageQueryLod = 105,
    ImageQueryLevels = 106,
    ImageQuerySamples = 107,
    ConvertFToU = 109,
    ConvertFToS = 110,
    ConvertSToF = 111,
    ConvertUToF = 112,
    UConvert = 113,
    SConvert = 114,
    FConvert = 115,
    QuantizeToF16 = 116,
    ConvertPtrToU = 117,
    SatConvertSToU = 118,
    SatConvertUToS = 119,
    ConvertUToPtr = 120,
    PtrCastToGeneric = 121,
    GenericCastToPtr = 122,
    GenericCastToPtrExplicit = 123,
    Bitcast = 124,
    SNegate = 126,
    FNegate = 127,
    IAdd = 128,
    FAdd = 129,
    ISub = 130,
    FSub = 131,
    IMul = 132,
    FMul = 133,
    UDiv = 134,
    SDiv = 135,
    FDiv = 136,
    UMod = 137,
    SRem = 138,
    SMod = 139,
    FRem = 140,
    FMod = 141,
    VectorTimesScalar = 142,
    MatrixTimesScalar = 143,
    VectorTimesMatrix = 144,
    MatrixTimesVector = 145,
    MatrixTimesMatrix = 146,
    OuterProduct = 147,
    Dot = 148,
    IAddCarry = 149,
    ISubBorrow = 150,
    UMulExtended = 151,
    SMulExtended = 152,
    Any = 154,
    All = 155,
    IsNan = 156,
    IsInf = 157,
    IsFinite = 158,
    IsNormal = 159,
    SignBitSet = 160,
    LessOrGreater = 161,
    Ordered = 162,
    Unordered = 163,
    LogicalEqual = 164,
    LogicalNotEqual = 165,
    LogicalOr = 166,
    LogicalAnd = 167,
    LogicalNot = 168,
    Select = 169,
    IEqual = 170,
    INotEqual = 171,
    UGreaterThan = 172,
    SGreaterThan = 173,
    UGreaterThanEqual = 174,
    SGreaterThanEqual = 175,
    ULessThan = 176,
    SLessThan = 177,
    ULessThanEqual = 178,
    SLessThanEqual = 179,
    FOrdEqual = 180,
    FUnordEqual = 181,
    FOrdNotEqual = 182,
    FUnordNotEqual = 183,
    FOrdLessThan = 184,
    FUnordLessThan = 185,
    FOrdGreaterThan = 186,
    FUnordGreaterThan = 187,
    FOrdLessThanEqual = 188,
    FUnordLessThanEqual = 189,
    FOrdGreaterThanEqual = 190,
    FUnordGreaterThanEqual = 191,
    ShiftRightLogical = 194,
    ShiftRightArithmetic = 195,
    ShiftLeftLogical = 196,
    BitwiseOr = 197,
    BitwiseXor = 198,
    BitwiseAnd = 199,
    Not = 200,
    BitFieldInsert = 201,
    BitFieldSExtract = 202,
    BitFieldUExtract = 203,
    BitReverse = 204,
    BitCount = 205,
    DPdx = 207,
    DPdy = 208,
    Fwidth = 209,
    DPdxFine = 210,
    DPdyFine = 211,
    FwidthFine = 212,
    DPdxCoarse = 213,
    DPdyCoarse = 214,
    FwidthCoarse = 215,
    EmitVertex = 218,
    EndPrimitive = 219,
    EmitStreamVertex = 220,
    EndStreamPrimitive = 221,
    ControlBarrier = 224,
    MemoryBarrier = 225,
    AtomicLoad = 227,
    AtomicStore = 228,
    AtomicExchange = 229,
    AtomicCompareExchange = 230,
    AtomicCompareExchangeWeak = 231,
    AtomicIIncrement = 232,
    AtomicIDecrement = 233,
    AtomicIAdd = 234,
    AtomicISub = 235,
    AtomicSMin = 236,
    AtomicUMin = 237,
    AtomicSMax = 238,
    AtomicUMax = 239,
    AtomicAnd = 240,
    AtomicOr = 241,
    AtomicXor = 242,
    Phi = 245,
    LoopMerge = 246,
    SelectionMerge = 247,
    Label = 248,
    Branch = 249,
    BranchConditional = 250,
    Switch = 251,
    Kill = 252,
    Return = 253,
    ReturnValue = 254,
    Unreachable = 255,
    LifetimeStart = 256,
    LifetimeStop = 257,
    GroupAsyncCopy = 259,
    GroupWaitEvents = 260,
    GroupAll = 261,
    GroupAny = 262,
    GroupBroadcast = 263,
    GroupIAdd = 264,
    GroupFAdd = 265,
    GroupFMin = 266,
    GroupUMin = 267,
    GroupSMin = 268,
    GroupFMax = 269,
    GroupUMax = 270,
    GroupSMax = 271,
    ReadPipe = 274,
    WritePipe = 275,
    ReservedReadPipe = 276,
    ReservedWritePipe = 277,
    ReserveReadPipePackets = 278,
    ReserveWritePipePackets = 279,
    CommitReadPipe = 280,
    CommitWritePipe = 281,
    IsValidReserveId = 282,
    GetNumPipePackets = 283,
    GetMaxPipePackets = 284,
    GroupReserveReadPipePackets = 285,
    GroupReserveWritePipePackets = 286,
    GroupCommitReadPipe = 287,
    GroupCommitWritePipe = 288,
    EnqueueMarker = 291,
    EnqueueKernel = 292,
    GetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount = 293,
    GetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize = 294,
    GetKernelWorkGroupSize = 295,
    GetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 296,
    RetainEvent = 297,
    ReleaseEvent = 298,
    CreateUserEvent = 299,
    IsValidEvent = 300,
    SetUserEventStatus = 301,
    CaptureEventProfilingInfo = 302,
    GetDefaultQueue = 303,
    BuildNDRange = 304,
    ImageSparseSampleImplicitLod = 305,
    ImageSparseSampleExplicitLod = 306,
    ImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod = 307,
    ImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod = 308,
    ImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod = 309,
    ImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod = 310,
    ImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod = 311,
    ImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod = 312,
    ImageSparseFetch = 313,
    ImageSparseGather = 314,
    ImageSparseDrefGather = 315,
    ImageSparseTexelsResident = 316,
    NoLine = 317,
    AtomicFlagTestAndSet = 318,
    AtomicFlagClear = 319,
    ImageSparseRead = 320,
    SizeOf = 321,
    TypePipeStorage = 322,
    ConstantPipeStorage = 323,
    CreatePipeFromPipeStorage = 324,
    GetKernelLocalSizeForSubgroupCount = 325,
    GetKernelMaxNumSubgroups = 326,
    TypeNamedBarrier = 327,
    NamedBarrierInitialize = 328,
    MemoryNamedBarrier = 329,
    ModuleProcessed = 330,
    SubgroupBallotKHR = 4421,
    SubgroupFirstInvocationKHR = 4422,