spirt 0.1.0

Shader-focused IR to target, transform and translate from.
//! > <div style="font-size:small;border:1px solid;padding:1em;padding-top:0">
//! > <div align="center">
//! >
//! > ## `SPIR-🇹`
//! >
//! > **⋯🢒 🇹arget 🠆 🇹ransform 🠆 🇹ranslate ⋯🢒**
//! >
//! > </div><br>
//! >
//! > **SPIR-🇹** is a research project aimed at exploring shader-oriented IR designs
//! > derived from SPIR-V, and producing a framework around such an IR to facilitate
//! > advanced compilation pipelines, beyond what existing SPIR-V tooling allows for.
//! >
//! > 🚧 *This project is in active design and development, many details can and will change* 🚧
//! >
//! > </div>
//! >
//! > *&mdash;
    // NOTE(eddyb) this requires updating `repository` before every release to
    // end in `/tree/` followed by the tag name, in order to be useful.
    doc = concat!(
        "[`", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), " ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), "`'s `README`]",
        "(", env!("CARGO_PKG_REPOSITORY"), "#readme)*  "
    doc = concat!(
        "[`", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), " @ ", env!("GIT_MAIN_DESCRIBE"), "`'s `README`]",
        "(https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/spirt/tree/", env!("GIT_MAIN_COMMIT"), "#readme)*  "
    any(docsrs, git_main_docs),
    doc = "<sup>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;*(click through for the full version)*</sup>"
// HACK(eddyb) this is only relevant for local builds (which don't need a link).
    not(any(docsrs, git_main_docs)),
    doc = concat!("`", env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "`'s `README`*  ")
//! *Check out also [the `EmbarkStudios/spirt` GitHub repository](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/spirt),
//! for any additional developments.*
//! #### Notable types/modules
//! ##### IR data types
// HACK(eddyb) using `(struct.Context.html)` to link `Context`, not `context::Context`.
//! * [`Context`](struct.Context.html): handles interning ([`Type`]s, [`Const`]s, etc.) and allocating entity handles
//! * [`Module`]: owns [`Func`]s and [`GlobalVar`]s (rooted by [`exports`](Module::exports))
//! * [`FuncDefBody`]: owns [`ControlRegion`]s and [DataInst]s (rooted by [`body`](FuncDefBody::body))
//! ##### Utilities and passes
//! * [`print`](mod@print): pretty-printer with (styled and hyperlinked) HTML output
//! * [`spv::lower`]/[`spv::lift`]: conversion from/to SPIR-V
//! * [`cfg::Structurizer`]: (re)structurization from arbitrary control-flow

// BEGIN - Embark standard lints v6 for Rust 1.55+
// do not change or add/remove here, but one can add exceptions after this section
// for more info see: <https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-ecosystem/issues/59>
// END - Embark standard lints v6 for Rust 1.55+
// crate-specific exceptions:
    // NOTE(eddyb) ignored for readability (`match` used when `if let` is too long).

    // NOTE(eddyb) ignored because it's misguided to suggest `let mut s = ...;`
    // and `s.push_str(...);` when `+` is equivalent and does not require `let`.
// NOTE(eddyb) this is stronger than the "Embark standard lints" above, because
// we almost never need `unsafe` code and this is a further "speed bump" to it.

// NOTE(eddyb) all the modules are declared here, but they're documented "inside"
// (i.e. using inner doc comments).
pub mod cfg;
mod context;
pub mod func_at;
pub mod print;
pub mod transform;
pub mod visit;
pub mod passes {
    //! IR transformations (typically whole-[`Module`](crate::Module)).
    // NOTE(eddyb) inline `mod` to avoid adding APIs here, it's just namespacing.

    pub mod legalize;
    pub mod link;
pub mod spv;

use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;

// HACK(eddyb) work around the lack of `FxIndex{Map,Set}` type aliases elsewhere.
type FxIndexMap<K, V> =
    indexmap::IndexMap<K, V, std::hash::BuildHasherDefault<rustc_hash::FxHasher>>;
type FxIndexSet<V> = indexmap::IndexSet<V, std::hash::BuildHasherDefault<rustc_hash::FxHasher>>;

// NOTE(eddyb) these reexports are all documented inside `context`.
// FIXME(eddyb) maybe make an `entity` module to move either the definitions,
// or at least the re-exports - an `ir` module might help too, organizationally?
pub use context::{
    Context, EntityDefs, EntityList, EntityListIter, EntityOrientedDenseMap, EntityOrientedMapKey,

/// Interned handle for a [`str`].
pub use context::InternedStr;

// HACK(eddyb) this only serves to disallow modifying the `cx` field of `Module`.
mod sealed {
    use super::*;
    use std::rc::Rc;

    pub struct Module {
        /// Context used for everything interned, in this module.
        /// Notable choices made for this field:
        /// * private to disallow switching the context of a module
        /// * [`Rc`] sharing to allow multiple modules to use the same context
        ///   (`Context: !Sync` because of the interners so it can't be `Arc`)
        cx: Rc<Context>,

        pub dialect: ModuleDialect,
        pub debug_info: ModuleDebugInfo,

        pub global_vars: EntityDefs<GlobalVar>,
        pub funcs: EntityDefs<Func>,

        pub exports: FxIndexMap<ExportKey, Exportee>,

    impl Module {
        pub fn new(cx: Rc<Context>, dialect: ModuleDialect, debug_info: ModuleDebugInfo) -> Self {
            Self {


                global_vars: Default::default(),
                funcs: Default::default(),

                exports: Default::default(),

        // FIXME(eddyb) `cx_ref` might be the better default in situations where
        // the module doesn't need to be modified, figure out if that's common.
        pub fn cx(&self) -> Rc<Context> {

        pub fn cx_ref(&self) -> &Rc<Context> {
pub use sealed::Module;

/// Semantic properties of a SPIR-T module (not tied to any declarations/definitions).
pub enum ModuleDialect {

/// Non-semantic details (i.e. debuginfo) of a SPIR-Y module (not tied to any
/// declarations/definitions).
pub enum ModuleDebugInfo {

/// An unique identifier (e.g. a link name, or "symbol") for a module export.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum ExportKey {

    SpvEntryPoint {
        imms: SmallVec<[spv::Imm; 2]>,
        // FIXME(eddyb) remove this by recomputing the interface vars.
        interface_global_vars: SmallVec<[GlobalVar; 4]>,

/// A definition exported out of a module (see also [`ExportKey`]).
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Exportee {

/// Interned handle for an [`AttrSetDef`](crate::AttrSetDef)
/// (a set of [`Attr`](crate::Attr)s).
pub use context::AttrSet;

/// Definition for an [`AttrSet`]: a set of [`Attr`]s.
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct AttrSetDef {
    // FIXME(eddyb) use `BTreeMap<Attr, AttrValue>` and split some of the params
    // between the `Attr` and `AttrValue` based on specified uniquness.
    // FIXME(eddyb) don't put debuginfo in here, but rather at use sites
    // (for e.g. types, with component types also having the debuginfo
    // bundled at the use site of the composite type) in order to allow
    // deduplicating definitions that only differ in debuginfo, in SPIR-T,
    // and still lift SPIR-V with duplicate definitions, out of that.
    pub attrs: BTreeSet<Attr>,

/// Any semantic or non-semantic (debuginfo) decoration/modifier, that can be
/// *optionally* applied to some declaration/definition.
/// Always used via [`AttrSetDef`] (interned as [`AttrSet`]).
// FIXME(eddyb) consider interning individual attrs, not just `AttrSet`s.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Attr {

    SpvDebugLine {
        file_path: OrdAssertEq<InternedStr>,
        line: u32,
        col: u32,

    /// Some SPIR-V instructions, like `OpFunction`, take a bitflags operand
    /// that is effectively an optimization over using `OpDecorate`.
    // FIXME(eddyb) handle flags having further operands as parameters.

/// Wrapper to limit `Ord` for interned index types (e.g. [`InternedStr`])
/// to only situations where the interned index reflects contents (i.e. equality).
// FIXME(eddyb) this is not ideal, and it might be more useful to replace the
// `BTreeSet<Attr>` with an `BTreeMap<Attr, AttrValue>`, where only `Attr` needs
// to be `Ord`, and the details that cannot be `Ord`, can be moved to `AttrValue`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct OrdAssertEq<T>(pub T);

impl<T: Eq> PartialOrd for OrdAssertEq<T> {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {

impl<T: Eq> Ord for OrdAssertEq<T> {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
            self == other,
            "OrdAssertEq<{}>::cmp called with unequal values",

/// Interned handle for a [`TypeDef`](crate::TypeDef).
pub use context::Type;

/// Definition for a [`Type`].
// FIXME(eddyb) maybe special-case some basic types like integers.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct TypeDef {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,
    pub ctor: TypeCtor,
    pub ctor_args: SmallVec<[TypeCtorArg; 2]>,

/// [`Type`] "constructor": a [`TypeDef`] wiithout any [`TypeCtorArg`]s ([`Type`]s/[`Const`]s).
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TypeCtor {

    /// The type of a [`ConstCtor::SpvStringLiteralForExtInst`] constant, i.e.
    /// a SPIR-V `OpString` with no actual type in SPIR-V.

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum TypeCtorArg {

/// Interned handle for a [`ConstDef`](crate::ConstDef) (a constant value).
pub use context::Const;

/// Definition for a [`Const`]: a constant value.
// FIXME(eddyb) maybe special-case some basic consts like integer literals.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ConstDef {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,
    pub ty: Type,
    pub ctor: ConstCtor,
    pub ctor_args: SmallVec<[Const; 2]>,

/// [`Const`] "constructor": a [`ConstDef`] wiithout any nested [`Const`]s.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum ConstCtor {


    /// SPIR-V `OpString`, but only when used as an operand for an `OpExtInst`,
    /// which can't have literals itself - for non-string literals `OpConstant*`
    /// are readily usable, but only `OpString` is supported for string literals.

/// Declarations ([`GlobalVarDecl`], [`FuncDecl`]) can contain a full definition,
/// or only be an import of a definition (e.g. from another module).
pub enum DeclDef<D> {

/// An identifier (e.g. a link name, or "symbol") for an import declaration.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Import {

/// Entity handle for a [`GlobalVarDecl`](crate::GlobalVarDecl) (a global variable).
pub use context::GlobalVar;

/// Declaration/definition for a [`GlobalVar`]: a global variable.
// FIXME(eddyb) mark any `GlobalVar` not *controlled* by the SPIR-V module
// (roughly: storage classes that don't allow initializers, i.e. most of them),
// as an "import" from "the shader interface", and therefore "externally visible",
// to implicitly distinguish it from `GlobalVar`s internal to the module
// (such as any constants that may need to be reshaped for legalization).
pub struct GlobalVarDecl {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    /// The type of a pointer to the global variable (as opposed to the value type).
    // FIXME(eddyb) try to replace with value type (or at least have that too).
    pub type_of_ptr_to: Type,

    /// The address space the global variable will be allocated into.
    pub addr_space: AddrSpace,

    pub def: DeclDef<GlobalVarDefBody>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum AddrSpace {

/// The body of a [`GlobalVar`] definition.
pub struct GlobalVarDefBody {
    /// If `Some`, the global variable will start out with the specified value.
    pub initializer: Option<Const>,

/// Entity handle for a [`FuncDecl`](crate::FuncDecl) (a function).
pub use context::Func;

/// Declaration/definition for a [`Func`]: a function.
pub struct FuncDecl {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    pub ret_type: Type,

    pub params: SmallVec<[FuncParam; 2]>,

    pub def: DeclDef<FuncDefBody>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct FuncParam {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    pub ty: Type,

/// The body of a [`Func`] definition.
// FIXME(eddyb) `FuncDefBody`/`func_def_body` are too long, find shorter names.
pub struct FuncDefBody {
    pub control_regions: EntityDefs<ControlRegion>,
    pub control_nodes: EntityDefs<ControlNode>,
    pub data_insts: EntityDefs<DataInst>,

    /// The [`ControlRegion`] representing the whole body of the function.
    /// Function parameters are provided via `body.inputs`, i.e. they can be
    /// only accessed with `Value::ControlRegionInputs { region: body, idx }`.
    /// When `unstructured_cfg` is `None`, this includes the structured return
    /// of the function, with `body.outputs` as the returned values.
    pub body: ControlRegion,

    /// The unstructured (part of the) control-flow graph of the function.
    /// Only present if structurization wasn't attempted, or if was only partial
    /// (leaving behind a mix of structured and unstructured control-flow).
    /// When present, it starts at `body` (more specifically, its exit),
    /// effectively replacing the structured return `body` otherwise implies,
    /// with `body` (or rather, its `children`) always being fully structured.
    pub unstructured_cfg: Option<cfg::ControlFlowGraph>,

/// Entity handle for a [`ControlRegionDef`](crate::ControlRegionDef)
/// (a control-flow region).
/// A [`ControlRegion`] ("control-flow region") is a linear chain of [`ControlNode`]s,
/// describing a single-entry single-exit (SESE) control-flow "region" (subgraph)
/// in a function's control-flow graph (CFG).
/// # Control-flow
/// In SPIR-T, two forms of control-flow are used:
/// * "structured": [`ControlRegion`]s and [`ControlNode`]s in a "mutual tree"
///   * i.e. each such [`ControlRegion`] can only appear in exactly one [`ControlNode`],
///     and each [`ControlNode`] can only appear in exactly one [`ControlRegion`]
///   * a region is either the function's body, or used as part of [`ControlNode`]
///     (e.g. the "then" case of an `if`-`else`), itself part of a larger region
///   * when inside a region, reaching any other part of the function (or any
///     other function on call stack) requires leaving through the region's
///     single exit (also called "merge") point, i.e. its execution is either:
///     * "convergent": the region completes and continues into its parent
///       [`ControlNode`], or function (the latter being a "structured return")
///     * "divergent": execution gets stuck in the region (an infinite loop),
///       or is aborted (e.g. `OpTerminateInvocation` from SPIR-V)
/// * "unstructured": [`ControlRegion`]s which connect to other [`ControlRegion`]s
///   using [`cfg::ControlInst`](crate::cfg::ControlInst)s (as described by a
///   [`cfg::ControlFlowGraph`](crate::cfg::ControlFlowGraph))
/// When a function's entire body can be described by a single [`ControlRegion`],
/// that function is said to have (entirely) "structured control-flow".
/// Mixing "structured" and "unstructured" control-flow is supported because:
/// * during structurization, it allows structured subgraphs to remain connected
///   by the same CFG edges that were connecting smaller [`ControlRegion`]s before
/// * structurization doesn't have to fail in the cases it doesn't fully support
///   yet, but can instead result in a "maximally structured" function
/// Other IRs may use different "structured control-flow" definitions, notably:
/// * SPIR-V uses a laxer definition, that corresponds more to the constraints
///   of the GLSL language, and is single-entry multiple-exit (SEME) with
///   "alternate exits" consisting of `break`s out of `switch`es and loops,
///   and `return`s (making it non-trivial to inline one function into another)
/// * RVSDG inspired SPIR-T's design, but its regions are (acyclic) graphs, it
///   makes no distinction between control-flow and "computational" nodes, and
///   its execution order is determined by value/state dependencies alone
///   (SPIR-T may get closer to it in the future, but the initial compromise
///   was chosen to limit the effort of lowering/lifting from/to SPIR-V)
/// # Data-flow interactions
/// SPIR-T [`Value`](crate::Value)s follow "single static assignment" (SSA), just like SPIR-V:
/// * inside a function, any new value is produced (or "defined") as an output
///   of [`DataInst`]/[`ControlNode`], and "uses" of that value are [`Value`](crate::Value)s
///   variants which refer to the defining [`DataInst`]/[`ControlNode`] directly
///   (guaranteeing the "single" and "static" of "SSA", by construction)
/// * the definition of a value must "dominate" all of its uses
///   (i.e. in all possible execution paths, the definition precedes all uses)
/// But unlike SPIR-V, SPIR-T's structured control-flow has implications for SSA:
/// * dominance is simpler, so values defined in a [`ControlRegion`](crate::ControlRegion) can be used:
///   * later in that region, including in the region's `outputs`
///     (which allows "exporting" values out to the rest of the function)
///   * outside that region, but *only* if the parent [`ControlNode`](crate::ControlNode) only has
///     exactly one child region (i.e. a single-case `Select`, or a `Loop`)
///     * this is an "emergent" property, stemming from the region having to
///       execute (at least once) before the parent [`ControlNode`](crate::ControlNode) can complete,
///       but is not is not ideal (especially for reasoning about loops) and
///       should eventually be replaced with passing all such values through
///       the region `outputs` (or by inlining the region, in the `Select` case)
/// * instead of φ ("phi") nodes, SPIR-T uses region `outputs` to merge values
///   coming from separate control-flow paths (i.e. the cases of a `Select`),
///   and region `inputs` for passing values back along loop backedges
///   (additionally, the body's `inputs` are used for function parameters)
///   * like the "block arguments" alternative to SSA phi nodes (which some
///     other SSA IRs use), this has the advantage of keeping the uses of the
///     "source" values in their respective paths (where they're dominated),
///     instead of in the merge (where phi nodes require special-casing, as
///     their "uses" of all the "source" values would normally be illegal)
///   * in unstructured control-flow, region `inputs` are additionally used for
///     phi nodes, as [`cfg::ControlInst`](crate::cfg::ControlInst)s passing values to their target regions
pub use context::ControlRegion;

/// Definition for a [`ControlRegion`]: a control-flow region.
pub struct ControlRegionDef {
    /// Inputs to this [`ControlRegion`]:
    /// * accessed using [`Value::ControlRegionInput`]
    /// * values provided by the parent:
    ///   * when this is the function body: the function's parameters
    pub inputs: SmallVec<[ControlRegionInputDecl; 2]>,

    pub children: EntityList<ControlNode>,

    /// Output values from this [`ControlRegion`], provided to the parent:
    /// * when this is the function body: these are the structured return values
    /// * when this is a `Select` case: these are the values for the parent
    ///   [`ControlNode`]'s outputs (accessed using [`Value::ControlNodeOutput`])
    /// * when this is a `Loop` body: these are the values to be used for the
    ///   next loop iteration's body `inputs`
    ///   * **not** accessible through [`Value::ControlNodeOutput`] on the `Loop`,
    ///     as it's both confusing regarding [`Value::ControlRegionInput`], and
    ///     also there's nothing stopping body-defined values from directly being
    ///     used outside the loop (once that changes, this aspect can be flipped)
    pub outputs: SmallVec<[Value; 2]>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ControlRegionInputDecl {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    pub ty: Type,

/// Entity handle for a [`ControlNodeDef`](crate::ControlNodeDef)
/// (a control-flow operator or leaf).
/// See [`ControlRegion`] docs for more on control-flow in SPIR-T.
pub use context::ControlNode;

/// Definition for a [`ControlNode`]: a control-flow operator or leaf.
/// See [`ControlRegion`] docs for more on control-flow in SPIR-T.
pub struct ControlNodeDef {
    pub kind: ControlNodeKind,

    /// Outputs from this [`ControlNode`]:
    /// * accessed using [`Value::ControlNodeOutput`]
    /// * values provided by `region.outputs`, where `region` is the executed
    ///   child [`ControlRegion`]:
    ///   * when this is a `Select`: the case that was chosen
    pub outputs: SmallVec<[ControlNodeOutputDecl; 2]>,

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct ControlNodeOutputDecl {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    pub ty: Type,

pub enum ControlNodeKind {
    /// Linear chain of [`DataInst`]s, executing in sequence.
    /// This is only an optimization over keeping [`DataInst`]s in [`ControlRegion`]
    /// linear chains directly, or even merging [`DataInst`] with [`ControlNode`].
    Block {
        // FIXME(eddyb) should empty blocks be allowed? should `DataInst`s be
        // linked directly into the `ControlRegion` `children` list?
        insts: EntityList<DataInst>,

    /// Choose one [`ControlRegion`] out of `cases` to execute, based on a single
    /// value input (`scrutinee`) interpreted according to [`SelectionKind`].
    /// This corresponds to "gamma" (`γ`) nodes in (R)VSDG, though those are
    /// sometimes limited only to a two-way selection on a boolean condition.
    Select {
        kind: SelectionKind,
        scrutinee: Value,

        cases: SmallVec<[ControlRegion; 2]>,

    /// Execute `body` repeatedly, until `repeat_condition` evaluates to `false`.
    /// To represent "loop state", `body` can take `inputs`, getting values from:
    /// * on the first iteration: `initial_inputs`
    /// * on later iterations: `body`'s own `outputs` (from the last iteration)
    /// As the condition is checked only *after* the body, this type of loop is
    /// sometimes described as "tail-controlled", and is also equivalent to the
    /// C-like `do { body; } while(repeat_condition)` construct.
    /// This corresponds to "theta" (`θ`) nodes in (R)VSDG.
    Loop {
        initial_inputs: SmallVec<[Value; 2]>,

        body: ControlRegion,

        // FIXME(eddyb) should this be kept in `body.outputs`? (that would not
        // have any ambiguity as to whether it can see `body`-computed values)
        repeat_condition: Value,

pub enum SelectionKind {
    /// Two-case selection based on boolean condition, i.e. `if`-`else`, with
    /// the two cases being "then" and "else" (in that order).


/// Entity handle for a [`DataInstDef`](crate::DataInstDef) (an SSA instruction).
pub use context::DataInst;

/// Definition for a [`DataInst`]: an SSA instruction.
pub struct DataInstDef {
    pub attrs: AttrSet,

    pub kind: DataInstKind,

    pub output_type: Option<Type>,

    // FIXME(eddyb) change the inline size of this to fit most instructions.
    pub inputs: SmallVec<[Value; 2]>,

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DataInstKind {
    // FIXME(eddyb) try to split this into recursive and non-recursive calls,
    // to avoid needing special handling for recursion where it's impossible.

    SpvExtInst { ext_set: InternedStr, inst: u32 },

#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Value {

    /// One of the inputs to a [`ControlRegion`]:
    /// * declared by `region.inputs[input_idx]`
    /// * value provided by the parent of the `region`:
    ///   * when `region` is the function body: `input_idx`th function parameter
    ControlRegionInput {
        region: ControlRegion,
        input_idx: u32,

    /// One of the outputs produced by a [`ControlNode`]:
    /// * declared by `control_node.outputs[output_idx]`
    /// * value provided by `region.outputs[output_idx]`, where `region` is the
    ///   executed child [`ControlRegion`] (of `control_node`):
    ///   * when `control_node` is a `Select`: the case that was chosen
    ControlNodeOutput {
        control_node: ControlNode,
        output_idx: u32,

    /// The output value of a [`DataInst`].