spirq 0.4.8

Light weight SPIR-V query utility for graphics.

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SPIR-Q is a light weight library for SPIR-V pipeline metadata query, supporting upto SPIR-V 1.5 specification aligned with Vulkan 1.2.

## Why SPIR-Q?

Back in days of OpenGL, we have `glGetActiveUniformsiv` and other APIs to get pipeline metadata, so that we can determine the sizes, names, array strides and other information dynamically at runtime. However, the next-gen API, Vulkan, was deisgned not to support shader reflection so that the driver can be kept as thin as possible. SPIR-Q is an attempt to fill this gap.

SPIR-Q can be very useful for scenarios where we want some dynamic in pipeline construction, so that we don't have to refill those redundantly long `VkXxxCreateInfo`s all the time. It can also be used to automate filler code generation at compile time.

It should be noted that SPIR-V is targeting at Vulkan so OpenCL binaries are not supported.

## Usage

Please refer to the attached examples:

* [query]examples/query/main.rs: Query separate entry points in SPIR-V binaries.
* [pipeline]examples/pipeline/main.rs: Query a (conceptual) pipeline built from multiple shader modules.
* [spirv-spec]examples/spirv-spec/main.rs: Reflection of an example fragment shader program, which can be found in section 1.10 of the SPIR-V specification.
* [walk]examples/walk/main.rs: Enumerate offsets, symbols and types of all descriptor variables.
* [sampler-state]examples/sampler-state/main.rs: Separable sampler state support for HLSL-sourced SPIR-Vs.
* [benchmark]examples/benchmark/main.rs: Feel how fast SPIR-Q can be. (The log was generated from a `debug` run.)

Sample output are attached in the same directories as the code files.

## License

This project is licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

at your option.