spirq 0.2.2

Light weight SPIR-V query utility for graphics.
# Change Log

## v0.2.2

- Fixed that multiple calls to a same function would lead to errors ([#7]https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/spirq-rs/issues/7); 
- Fixed that interface variable location aliasing is not allowed;
- Added descriptive information to errors ([#7]https://github.com/PENGUINLIONG/spirq-rs/issues/7).

## v0.2.1

- Fixed a typo (`InputAtatchment`);
- Added walking through descriptor types;
- Added an example for descriptor walk.

## v0.2.0

This is a breaking change. SPIR-Q is now more handy with better and easier reflection information accessors.

- Fix several bugs;
- Restructured project files;
- Improved API design.

## v0.1.0

This is a breaking change. Some type names has been changed to be more exact. E.g. previous `NumericType` is now `ScalarType`; and the usage of if has also changed.

- Support boolean types;
- Fix that outer-most types (the types exposed directly to a binding point) cannot be resolved by symbol;
- Added an example reflecting a fragment shader extracted from section 1.10 of the SPIR-V specification;
- Minor performance improvement.

## v0.0.3

- Add dependency to `spirv_headers` for sharable SPIR-V constants and types;
- Add Badges.