spinoff 0.7.0

Simple to use Rust library for displaying spinners in the terminal
# spinoff

> simple library for displaying spinners in the terminal

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## πŸ”¨ Install

Add as a dependency to your `Cargo.toml`:

spinoff = "0.7.0"

## ⚑ Usage

use spinoff::{Spinner, spinners, Color};
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

let spinner = Spinner::new(spinners::Dots, "Loading...", Color::Blue); 

### Update a spinner

use spinoff::{Spinner, spinners, Color};
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

let mut spinner = Spinner::new(spinners::Aesthetic, "Loading...", Color::Red); 
spinner.update(Spinners::Dots2, "Retrying...", None);

### Specify an output stream

use spinoff::{Spinner, spinners, Color, Streams};
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

let spinner = Spinner::new_with_stream(spinners::Line, "Loading...", Color::Yellow, Streams::Stderr);
spinner.stop_and_persist("πŸ“œ", "Task done.");

## πŸ’« Spinners

*Note: This has been introduced in version 0.7.0*

All spinner variants are treated as features that can be enabled or disabled. By default, all of them are enabled for ease of use.
To disable/enable variants, you will have to edit your `cargo.toml` file:

spinoff = { version = "0.7.0", features = ["dots, arc, line"] }

### Creating your own spinner

You can create your own spinner using the `spinner!` macro:

use spinoff::*;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

let frames = spinner!([">", ">>", ">>>"], 100);
let sp = Spinner::new(frames, "Hello World!", None);

## ❗Note for Windows Users

For colors to work properly, you need to add a few extra lines to your code: 
use colored::control

Other examples can be found in the [documentation](https://docs.rs/spinoff/latest/spinoff/).

## πŸ“– Documentation

* All relevant documentation can be found on the [Docs.rs page]https://docs.rs/spinoff/latest/spinoff/.
* If you want to see all the available `spinner` options, refer to [the source code]src/spinners.rs.

## βš™ Examples

cargo run --example simple
cargo run --example stream
cargo run --example stop_and_persist

## 🚧 Contributing

Any contributions to this crate are highly appreciated. If you have any ideas/suggestions/bug fixes, please open an issue or a pull request.
If you like the project, [star this project on GitHub.](https://github.com/ad4mx/spinoff)

## πŸ“‘ License

This crate is licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE).