spin 0.9.1

Spin-based synchronization primitives
name = "spin"
version = "0.9.1"
authors = [
	"Mathijs van de Nes <git@mathijs.vd-nes.nl>",
	"John Ericson <git@JohnEricson.me>",
	"Joshua Barretto <joshua.s.barretto@gmail.com>",
license = "MIT"
repository = "https://github.com/mvdnes/spin-rs.git"
keywords = ["spinlock", "mutex", "rwlock"]
description = "Spin-based synchronization primitives"

lock_api_crate = { package = "lock_api", version = "0.4", optional = true }

default = ["lock_api", "mutex", "spin_mutex", "rwlock", "once", "lazy", "barrier"]

# Enables `Mutex`. Must be used with either `spin_mutex` or `use_ticket_mutex`.
mutex = []

# Enables `SpinMutex` and the default spin mutex implementation for `Mutex`.
spin_mutex = ["mutex"]

# Enables `TicketMutex`.
ticket_mutex = ["mutex"]

# Enables the non-default ticket mutex implementation for `Mutex`.
use_ticket_mutex = ["mutex", "ticket_mutex"]

# Enables `RwLock`.
rwlock = []

# Enables `Once`.
once = []

# Enables `Lazy`.
lazy = ["once"]

# Enables `Barrier`. Because this feature uses `mutex`, either `spin_mutex` or `use_ticket_mutex` must be enabled.
barrier = ["mutex"]

# Enables `lock_api`-compatible types that use the primitives in this crate internally.
lock_api = ["lock_api_crate"]

# Enables std-only features such as yield-relaxing.
std = []

all-features = true
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]