spider 1.50.22

The fastest web crawler written in Rust.


crate version

Multithreaded async crawler/indexer using isolates and IPC channels for communication with the ability to run decentralized.


On Linux

  • OpenSSL 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.1.0, or 1.1.1


This is a basic async example crawling a web page, add spider to your Cargo.toml:

spider = "1.50.22"

And then the code:

extern crate spider;

use spider::website::Website;
use spider::tokio;

async fn main() {
    let url = "https://choosealicense.com";
    let mut website = Website::new(&url);

    for link in website.get_links() {
        println!("- {:?}", link.as_ref());

You can use Configuration object to configure your crawler:

// ..
let mut website = Website::new("https://choosealicense.com");

website.configuration.respect_robots_txt = true;
website.configuration.subdomains = true;
website.configuration.tld = false;
website.configuration.delay = 0; // Defaults to 0 ms due to concurrency handling
website.configuration.request_timeout = None; // Defaults to 15000 ms
website.configuration.http2_prior_knowledge = false; // Enable if you know the webserver supports http2
website.configuration.user_agent = Some("myapp/version".into()); // Defaults to using a random agent
website.on_link_find_callback = Some(|s, html| { println!("link target: {}", s); (s, html)}); // Callback to run on each link find - useful for mutating the url, ex: convert the top level domain from `.fr` to `.es`.
website.configuration.proxies.get_or_insert(Default::default()).push("socks5://".into()); // Defaults to None - proxy list.
website.budget = Some(spider::hashbrown::HashMap::from([(spider::CaseInsensitiveString::new("*"), 300), (spider::CaseInsensitiveString::new("/licenses"), 10)])); // Defaults to None - Requires the `budget` feature flag
website.cron_str = "1/5 * * * * *".into(); // Defaults to empty string - Requires the `cron` feature flag
website.cron_type = spider::website::CronType::Crawl; // Defaults to CronType::Crawl - Requires the `cron` feature flag


The builder pattern is also available v1.33.0 and up:

let mut website = Website::new("https://choosealicense.com");

    // requires the `budget` feature flag
    .with_budget(Some(spider::hashbrown::HashMap::from([("*", 300), ("/licenses", 10)])))
    .with_external_domains(Some(Vec::from(["https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/"].map(|d| d.to_string())).into_iter()))
    // requires the `cron` feature flag
    .with_cron("1/5 * * * * *", Default::Default());


We have a couple optional feature flags. Regex blacklisting, jemaloc backend, globbing, fs temp storage, decentralization, serde, gathering full assets, and randomizing user agents.

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["regex", "ua_generator"] }
  1. ua_generator: Enables auto generating a random real User-Agent.
  2. regex: Enables blacklisting paths with regx
  3. jemalloc: Enables the jemalloc memory backend.
  4. decentralized: Enables decentralized processing of IO, requires the spider_worker startup before crawls.
  5. sync: Subscribe to changes for Page data processing async. [Enabled by default]
  6. budget: Allows setting a crawl budget per path with depth.
  7. control: Enables the ability to pause, start, and shutdown crawls on demand.
  8. full_resources: Enables gathering all content that relates to the domain like CSS, JS, and etc.
  9. serde: Enables serde serialization support.
  10. socks: Enables socks5 proxy support.
  11. glob: Enables url glob support.
  12. fs: Enables storing resources to disk for parsing (may greatly increases performance at the cost of temp storage).
  13. js: Enables javascript parsing links created with the alpha jsdom crate.
  14. sitemap: Include sitemap pages in results.
  15. time: Enables duration tracking per page.
  16. chrome: Enables chrome headless rendering, use the env var CHROME_URL to connect remotely.
  17. chrome_screenshot: Enables storing a screenshot of each page on crawl. Defaults the screenshots to the ./storage/ directory. Use the env variable SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY to adjust the directory. To save the background set the env var SCREENSHOT_OMIT_BACKGROUND to false.
  18. chrome_headed: Enables chrome rendering headful rendering [experimental].
  19. chrome_cpu: Disable gpu usage for chrome browser.
  20. chrome_stealth: Enables stealth mode to make it harder to be detected as a bot.
  21. cookies: Enables cookies storing and setting to use for request.
  22. cron: Enables the ability to start cron jobs for the website.


Move processing to a worker, drastically increases performance even if worker is on the same machine due to efficient runtime split IO work.

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["decentralized"] }
# install the worker
cargo install spider_worker
# start the worker [set the worker on another machine in prod]
RUST_LOG=info SPIDER_WORKER_PORT=3030 spider_worker
# start rust project as normal with SPIDER_WORKER env variable
SPIDER_WORKER= cargo run --example example --features decentralized

The SPIDER_WORKER env variable takes a comma seperated list of urls to set the workers. If the scrape feature flag is enabled, use the SPIDER_WORKER_SCRAPER env variable to determine the scraper worker.

Subscribe to changes

Use the subscribe method to get a broadcast channel.

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["sync"] }
extern crate spider;

use spider::website::Website;
use spider::tokio;

async fn main() {
    let mut website = Website::new("https://choosealicense.com");
    let mut rx2 = website.subscribe(16).unwrap();

    let join_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Ok(res) = rx2.recv().await {
            println!("{:?}", res.get_url());


Regex Blacklisting

Allow regex for blacklisting routes

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["regex"] }
extern crate spider;

use spider::website::Website;
use spider::tokio;

async fn main() {
    let mut website = Website::new("https://choosealicense.com");

    for link in website.get_links() {
        println!("- {:?}", link.as_ref());

Pause, Resume, and Shutdown

If you are performing large workloads you may need to control the crawler by enabling the control feature flag:

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["control"] }
extern crate spider;

use spider::tokio;
use spider::website::Website;

async fn main() {
    use spider::utils::{pause, resume, shutdown};
    let url = "https://choosealicense.com/";
    let mut website: Website = Website::new(&url);

    tokio::spawn(async move {
        // perform shutdown if crawl takes longer than 15s
        // you could also abort the task to shutdown crawls if using website.crawl in another thread.


Scrape/Gather HTML

extern crate spider;

use spider::tokio;
use spider::website::Website;

async fn main() {
    use std::io::{Write, stdout};

    let url = "https://choosealicense.com/";
    let mut website = Website::new(&url);


    let mut lock = stdout().lock();

    let separator = "-".repeat(url.len());

    for page in website.get_pages().unwrap().iter() {

Cron Jobs

Use cron jobs to run crawls continuously at anytime.

spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["sync", "cron"] }
extern crate spider;

use spider::website::{Website, run_cron};
use spider::tokio;

async fn main() {
    let mut website = Website::new("https://choosealicense.com");
    // set the cron to run or use the builder pattern `website.with_cron`.
    website.cron_str = "1/5 * * * * *".into();

    let mut rx2 = website.subscribe(16).unwrap();

    let join_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
        while let Ok(res) = rx2.recv().await {
            println!("{:?}", res.get_url());

    // take ownership of the website. You can also use website.run_cron, except you need to perform abort manually on handles created.
    let mut runner = run_cron(website).await;

    println!("Starting the Runner for 10 seconds");
    let _ = tokio::join!(runner.stop(), join_handle);


spider = { version = "1.50.22", features = ["chrome"] }

You can use website.crawl_concurrent_raw to perform a crawl without chromium when needed. Use the feature flag chrome_headed to enable headful browser usage if needed to debug.


If you need a blocking sync implementation use a version prior to v1.12.0.