spidap 0.1.0

Access SPI flash memories using CMSIS-DAP probes
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::time::Instant;
use clap::{Arg, App, AppSettings, SubCommand};
use clap::{value_t, crate_description, crate_version};
use spi_flash::Flash;

use jtagdap::probe::{Probe, ProbeInfo};
use jtagdap::dap::DAP;
use spidap::SPIFlash;

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let matches = App::new("spidap")
             .help("Suppress informative output")
             .help("VID:PID[:SN] of CMSIS-DAP device to use")
             .help("JTAG clock frequency to use, in kHz")
            .help("Hold nRST asserted during operation")
            .about("List available CMSIS-DAP probes"))
            .about("Read SPI flash ID"))
            .about("Read SPI flash parameters"))
            .about("Erase entire SPI flash"))
            .about("Write binary file to SPI flash")
                 .help("File to write to SPI flash")
                 .help("Start address (in bytes) to write to")
                 .help("Disable readback verification")
            .about("Read SPI flash contents to file")
                 .help("File to write SPI flash contents to")
                 .help("Start address (in bytes) of read")
                 .help("Length (in bytes) of read, defaults to detected capacity")
            .about("Set all block protection bits in status register"))
            .about("Clear all block protection bits in status register"))

    let t0 = Instant::now();
    let quiet = matches.is_present("quiet");

    // Listing probes does not require first connecting to a probe,
    // so we just list them and quit early.
    if matches.subcommand_name().unwrap() == "probes" {
        return Ok(());

    // All functions after this point require an open probe, so
    // we now attempt to connect to the specified probe.
    let probe = if matches.is_present("probe") {
    } else {

    // Create a JTAG interface using the probe.
    let dap = DAP::new(probe)?;

    // If the user specified a JTAG clock frequency, apply it now.
    match value_t!(matches, "freq", u32) {
        Ok(freq) => dap.set_clock(freq * 1000)?,
        Err(e) => {

    // If hold-reset is specified, assert nRST now.
    if matches.is_present("hold-reset") {

    // Create a Flash instance.
    let mut spi = SPIFlash::new(dap);
    let mut flash = Flash::new(&mut spi);

    // Always bring flash out of power-down, as
    // for example iCE40s love to put it into
    // power-down after booting.

    // Always read parameter table if available, to load
    // settings for address bytes, capacity, opcodes, etc.

    match matches.subcommand_name() {
        Some("id") => {
            let id = flash.read_id()?;
            println!("{}", id);
        Some("scan") => {
            if !quiet { println!("Reading flash ID...") };
            let id = flash.read_id()?;
            println!("{}", id);
            if !quiet { println!("\nReading flash parameters...") };
            match flash.get_params() {
                Some(params) => println!("{}", params),
                None => println!("No SFDP header found. Check flash supports SFDP."),
            if !quiet { println!("Reading status registers...") };
            let status1 = flash.read_status1()?;
            let status2 = flash.read_status2()?;
            let status3 = flash.read_status3()?;
            println!("Status 1: 0x{:02X}, status 2: 0x{:02X}, status 3: 0x{:02X}",
                     status1.0, status2.0, status3.0);
            let (bp0, bp1, bp2) = status1.get_block_protect();
            let sec = status1.get_sec();
            let tb = status1.get_tb();
            println!("BP0: {}, BP1: {}, BP2: {}, SEC: {}, TB: {}", bp0, bp1, bp2, sec, tb);
        Some("erase") => {
            if quiet {
            } else {
        Some("write") => {
            if !quiet && flash.is_protected()? {
                println!("Flash appears to be write-protected; writing may fail.");
            let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("write").unwrap();
            let path = matches.value_of("file").unwrap();
            let offset = value_t!(matches, "offset", u32).unwrap();
            let verify = !matches.is_present("no-verify");
            let mut file = File::open(path)?;
            let mut data = Vec::new();
            file.read_to_end(&mut data)?;
            if quiet {
                flash.program(offset, &data, verify)?;
            } else {
                flash.program_progress(offset, &data, verify)?;
        Some("read") => {
            let matches = matches.subcommand_matches("read").unwrap();
            let path = matches.value_of("file").unwrap();
            let offset = value_t!(matches, "offset", u32).unwrap();
            let length = if matches.is_present("length") {
                value_t!(matches, "length", usize).unwrap()
            } else {
                log::info!("No length specified, autodetecting");
                if let Some(capacity) = flash.capacity() {
                } else {
                    println!("Could not detect flash capacity; specify --length instead.");
                    return Ok(());
            let mut file = File::create(path)?;
            let data = if quiet {
                flash.read(offset, length)?
            } else {
                flash.read_progress(offset, length)?
        Some("protect") => {
            if !quiet { println!("Setting block protection bits...") };
            flash.protect(true, true, true)?;
            if !quiet { println!("All block protection bits set.") };
        Some("unprotect") => {
            if !quiet { println!("Disabling flash write protection...") };
            if !quiet { println!("Flash protected disabled.") };
        _ => panic!("Unhandled command."),

    // If hold-reset is specified, de-assert nRST now.
    if matches.is_present("hold-reset") {

    let t1 = t0.elapsed();
    if !quiet {
        println!("Finished in {}.{:02}s", t1.as_secs(), t1.subsec_millis()/10);


fn print_probe_list() {
    let probes = ProbeInfo::list();
    if probes.is_empty() {
        println!("No CMSIS-DAP probes found.");
    } else {
        println!("Found {} CMSIS-DAP probe{}:", probes.len(),
                 if probes.len() == 1 { "" } else { "s" });
        for probe in probes {
            println!("  {}", probe);