speedy2d 1.9.0

Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API. Speedy2D aims to be the simplest Rust API for creating a window, rendering graphics, and handling input.
 *  Copyright 2021 QuantumBadger
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

use std::convert::TryInto;

use rusttype::Point;

use crate::numeric::{PrimitiveZero, RoundFloat};

/// A vector with two f32 values.
pub type Vec2 = Vector2<f32>;

/// A vector with two i32 values.
pub type IVec2 = Vector2<i32>;

/// A vector with two u32 values.
pub type UVec2 = Vector2<u32>;

/// A vector containing two numeric values. This may represent a size or
/// position.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct Vector2<T>
    /// The horizontal component of the vector.
    pub x: T,
    /// The vertical component of the vector.
    pub y: T

impl<T> Vector2<T>
    /// Instantiates a new `Vector2` from the specified horizontal and vertical
    /// components.
    pub const fn new(x: T, y: T) -> Self
        Vector2 { x, y }

impl<T: PrimitiveZero> Vector2<T>
    /// A constant representing a vector of zero magnitude. Each component is
    /// set to zero.
    pub const ZERO: Vector2<T> = Vector2::new(T::ZERO, T::ZERO);

    /// Instantiates a new `Vector2` from the specified horizontal component,
    /// setting the vertical component to zero.
    pub fn new_x(x: T) -> Self
        Vector2 { x, y: T::ZERO }

    /// Instantiates a new `Vector2` from the specified vertical component,
    /// setting the horizontal component to zero.
    pub fn new_y(y: T) -> Self
        Vector2 { x: T::ZERO, y }

impl Vec2
    /// Returns the magnitude of the vector, squared.
    pub fn magnitude_squared(&self) -> f32
        self.x * self.x + self.y * self.y

    /// Returns the magnitude of the vector.
    pub fn magnitude(&self) -> f32

    /// Normalizes the vector so that the magnitude is `1.0`. If the current
    /// magnitude of the vector is `0.0`, then `None` is returned to avoid a
    /// division by zero.
    pub fn normalize(&self) -> Option<Vec2>
        let magnitude = self.magnitude();

        if magnitude == 0.0 {
            return None;

        Some(self / magnitude)

impl<T: std::ops::Neg<Output = T> + Copy> Vector2<T>
    /// Rotates the vector by 90 degrees in the clockwise direction.
    pub fn rotate_90_degrees_clockwise(&self) -> Vector2<T>
        Vector2::new(-self.y, self.x)

    /// Rotates the vector by 90 degrees in the anti-clockwise direction.
    pub fn rotate_90_degrees_anticlockwise(&self) -> Vector2<T>
        Vector2::new(self.y, -self.x)

impl<T: num_traits::AsPrimitive<f32>> Vector2<T>
    /// Returns a new vector with each element cast to `f32`, using the `as`
    /// operator.
    pub fn into_f32(self) -> Vec2
        Vector2::new(self.x.as_(), self.y.as_())

impl<T: num_traits::AsPrimitive<i32>> Vector2<T>
    /// Returns a new vector with each element cast to `i32`, using the `as`
    /// operator.
    pub fn into_i32(self) -> IVec2
        Vector2::new(self.x.as_(), self.y.as_())

impl<T: num_traits::AsPrimitive<u32>> Vector2<T>
    /// Returns a new vector with each element cast to `u32`, using the `as`
    /// operator.
    pub fn into_u32(self) -> UVec2
        Vector2::new(self.x.as_(), self.y.as_())

impl<T: TryInto<i32>> Vector2<T>
    /// Attempts to convert each element of this vector to an `i32`, returning
    /// an error if this fails.
    pub fn try_into_i32(self) -> Result<IVec2, T::Error>
        Ok(Vector2::new(self.x.try_into()?, self.y.try_into()?))

impl<T> From<(T, T)> for Vector2<T>
    T: Copy
    fn from(value: (T, T)) -> Self
        Vector2::new(value.0, value.1)

impl<T> From<&(T, T)> for Vector2<T>
    T: Copy
    fn from(value: &(T, T)) -> Self
        Vector2::new(value.0, value.1)

impl<T> From<&Self> for Vector2<T>
    T: Copy
    fn from(value: &Self) -> Self

impl<T> From<&mut Self> for Vector2<T>
    T: Copy
    fn from(value: &mut Self) -> Self

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Add<Output = T>, R: Into<Self>> std::ops::Add<R> for Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn add(self, rhs: R) -> Self::Output
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        Vector2::new(self.x + rhs.x, self.y + rhs.y)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Add<Output = T>, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::Add<R>
    for &Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn add(self, rhs: R) -> Self::Output
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        Vector2::new(self.x + rhs.x, self.y + rhs.y)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Sub<Output = T>, R: Into<Self>> std::ops::Sub<R> for Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn sub(self, rhs: R) -> Self::Output
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        Vector2::new(self.x - rhs.x, self.y - rhs.y)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Sub<Output = T>, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::Sub<R>
    for &Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn sub(self, rhs: R) -> Self::Output
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        Vector2::new(self.x - rhs.x, self.y - rhs.y)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::AddAssign, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::AddAssign<R>
    for Vector2<T>
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: R)
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        self.x += rhs.x;
        self.y += rhs.y;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::AddAssign, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::AddAssign<R>
    for &mut Vector2<T>
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: R)
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        self.x += rhs.x;
        self.y += rhs.y;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::SubAssign, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::SubAssign<R>
    for Vector2<T>
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: R)
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        self.x -= rhs.x;
        self.y -= rhs.y;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::SubAssign, R: Into<Vector2<T>>> std::ops::SubAssign<R>
    for &mut Vector2<T>
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: R)
        let rhs = rhs.into();
        self.x -= rhs.x;
        self.y -= rhs.y;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::MulAssign> std::ops::MulAssign<T> for Vector2<T>
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, factor: T)
        self.x *= factor;
        self.y *= factor;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::MulAssign> std::ops::MulAssign<T> for &mut Vector2<T>
    fn mul_assign(&mut self, factor: T)
        self.x *= factor;
        self.y *= factor;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::DivAssign> std::ops::DivAssign<T> for Vector2<T>
    fn div_assign(&mut self, divisor: T)
        self.x /= divisor;
        self.y /= divisor;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::DivAssign> std::ops::DivAssign<T> for &mut Vector2<T>
    fn div_assign(&mut self, divisor: T)
        self.x /= divisor;
        self.y /= divisor;

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Mul<Output = T>> std::ops::Mul<T> for &Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn mul(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output
        Vector2::new(self.x * rhs, self.y * rhs)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Mul<Output = T>> std::ops::Mul<T> for Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn mul(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output
        Vector2::new(self.x * rhs, self.y * rhs)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Div<Output = T>> std::ops::Div<T> for &Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn div(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output
        Vector2::new(self.x / rhs, self.y / rhs)

impl<T: Copy + std::ops::Div<Output = T>> std::ops::Div<T> for Vector2<T>
    type Output = Vector2<T>;

    fn div(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output
        Vector2::new(self.x / rhs, self.y / rhs)

impl<T: RoundFloat> RoundFloat for Vector2<T>
    fn round(&self) -> Self
        Vector2::new(self.x.round(), self.y.round())

impl<T> From<Point<T>> for Vector2<T>
    fn from(point: Point<T>) -> Self
        Vector2::new(point.x, point.y)

mod test
    use super::*;

    fn test_arithmetic()
            Vector2::new(15, 20),
            Vector2::new(10, 4) + Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(5, -12),
            Vector2::new(10, 4) - Vector2::new(5, 16)

        assert_eq!(IVec2::new(-5, 10), IVec2::new(3, 10) - IVec2::new_x(8));

        assert_eq!(IVec2::new(-5, 17), IVec2::new(-5, 10) + IVec2::new_y(7));

    fn test_arithmetic_ref()
            Vector2::new(15, 20),
            Vector2::new(10, 4) + &Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(5, -12),
            Vector2::new(10, 4) - &Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(15, 20),
            &Vector2::new(10, 4) + Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(5, -12),
            &Vector2::new(10, 4) - Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(15, 20),
            &Vector2::new(10, 4) + &Vector2::new(5, 16)

            Vector2::new(5, -12),
            &Vector2::new(10, 4) - &Vector2::new(5, 16)

    fn test_arithmetic_tuples()
        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(15, 20), Vector2::new(10, 4) + (5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(15, 20), Vector2::new(10, 4) + &(5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(15, 20), &Vector2::new(10, 4) + (5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(15, 20), &Vector2::new(10, 4) + &(5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(5, -12), Vector2::new(10, 4) - (5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(5, -12), Vector2::new(10, 4) - &(5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(5, -12), &Vector2::new(10, 4) - (5, 16));

        assert_eq!(Vector2::new(5, -12), &Vector2::new(10, 4) - &(5, 16));
    fn test_add_assign()
        let mut left = Vector2::new(1, 2);
        let right = Vector2::new(3, 4);
        left += right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(4, 6));
        left += &right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(7, 10));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left += right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(10, 14));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left += right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(13, 18));

    fn test_sub_assign()
        let mut left = Vector2::new(9, 8);
        let right = Vector2::new(1, 2);
        left -= right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(8, 6));
        left -= &right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(7, 4));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left -= right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(6, 2));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left -= right;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(5, 0));

    fn test_mul_assign()
        let mut left = Vector2::new(2, 3);
        left *= 5;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(10, 15));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left *= 2;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(20, 30));

    fn test_div_assign()
        let mut left = Vector2::new(12, 8);
        left /= 2;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(6, 4));
            let mut ref_left = &mut left;
            ref_left /= 2;
        assert_eq!(left, Vector2::new(3, 2));