speedtest 0.1.2

Rust-based network speed testing tool between two computers
# Speedtest

Speedtest is a Rust-based command-line utility designed for measuring network speed between two computers. It provides two subcommands: `serve` and `test`, allowing users to set up a server on one machine and perform network speed tests from another machine.

## Installation

To install Speedtest, use the following command:

cargo install speedtest

## Usage

Rust-based network speed testing tool between two computers

Usage: speedtest <COMMAND>

  serve  Listen to incoming TCP connections on the given socket address
  test   Connect to a TCP server with the given socket address
  help   Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

### Serve

Listen to incoming TCP connections on the given socket address

Usage: speedtest serve <SOCKET>

  <SOCKET>  Socket address

  -h, --help  Print help

### Test

Connect to a TCP server with the given socket address

Usage: speedtest test [OPTIONS] <SOCKET>

  <SOCKET>  Socket address

  -l, --length <LENGTH>  How much bytes to send to the server in MEGABYTES [default: 10]
  -h, --help             Print help

## Examples

1. Set up a server on one computer:

speedtest serve

2. Run a speed test from another computer (by sending 100 MB (Megabytes)):

speedtest test --length 100

## Output

### Server

~> speedtest serve
2024-01-31T01:00:58.464460Z  INFO server{socket_addr=}: speedtest: Listening...
2024-01-31T01:01:12.014269Z  INFO speedtest: Incoming connection

### Client

~> speedtest test -l 100
2024-01-31T01:01:12.014113Z  INFO client{socket_addr= length=100}: speedtest: Stream accepted
2024-01-31T01:01:12.014229Z  INFO client{socket_addr= length=100}: speedtest: Writing data...
Transferred data: 100 MB
Elapsed time: 123.7696ms
Transfer speed: 807.95 MB/s