spectrum-analyzer 1.2.4

A simple and fast `no_std` library to get the frequency spectrum of a digital signal (e.g. audio) using FFT. It follows the KISS principle and consists of simple building blocks/optional features.
# Rust: library for frequency spectrum analysis using FFT
A simple and fast `no_std` library to get the frequency spectrum of a digital signal (e.g. audio) using FFT.
It follows the KISS principle and consists of simple building blocks/optional features. In short, this is 
a convenient wrapper around several FFT implementations which you can choose from during compilation time
via Cargo features.

**I'm not an expert on digital signal processing. Code contributions are highly welcome! 🙂**

The **MSRV** (minimum supported Rust version) is 1.56.1 stable, because this crate uses
Rust edition 2021.

## I want to understand how FFT can be used to get a spectrum
Please see file [/EDUCATIONAL.md](/EDUCATIONAL.md).

## How to use (including `no_std`-environments)
Most tips and comments are located inside the code, so please check out the repository on
Github! Anyway, the most basic usage looks like this:

### FFT implementation as compile time configuration via Cargo features
By default this crate uses the `real`-module from the great `microfft`-crate. It's the fastest implementation
and as of version `v0.5.0` there should be no valid reason why you should ever change this. The multiple features
are there mainly for educational reasons and to support me while programming/testing.

### Cargo.toml
# by default feature "microfft-real" is used
spectrum-analyzer = "<latest version, see crates.io>"

# or if you need another feature (FFT implementation)
default-features = false # important! only one feature at a time works!
version = "<latest version, see crates.io>"
features = ["rustfft-complex"] # or on of the other features

### your_binary.rs
use spectrum_analyzer::{samples_fft_to_spectrum, FrequencyLimit};
use spectrum_analyzer::windows::hann_window;
use spectrum_analyzer::scaling::divide_by_N;

/// Minimal example.
fn main() {
    // YOU need to implement the samples source; get microphone input for example
    let samples: &[f32] = &[0.0, 3.14, 2.718, -1.0, -2.0, -4.0, 7.0, 6.0];
    // apply hann window for smoothing; length must be a power of 2 for the FFT
    // 2048 is a good starting point with 44100 kHz
    let hann_window = hann_window(&samples[0..8]);
    // calc spectrum
    let spectrum_hann_window = samples_fft_to_spectrum(
        // (windowed) samples
        // sampling rate
        // optional frequency limit: e.g. only interested in frequencies 50 <= f <= 150?
        // optional scale

    for (fr, fr_val) in spectrum_hann_window.data().iter() {
        println!("{}Hz => {}", fr, fr_val)

## Performance
*Measurements taken on i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz (Single-threaded) with optimized build*

| Operation                                              | Time   |
| ------------------------------------------------------ | ------:|
| Hann Window with 4096 samples                          | ≈68µs  |
| Hamming Window with 4096 samples                       | ≈118µs |
| FFT (`rustfft/complex`) to spectrum with 4096 samples  | ≈170µs |
| FFT (`microfft/real`) to spectrum with 4096 samples    | ≈90µs  |
| FFT (`microfft/complex`) to spectrum with 4096 samples | ≈250µs |

## Example Visualizations
In the following examples you can see a basic visualization of the spectrum from `0 to 4000Hz` for 
a layered signal of sine waves of `50`, `1000`, and `3777Hz` @ `44100Hz` sampling rate. The peaks for the 
given frequencies are clearly visible. Each calculation was done with `2048` samples, i.e. ≈46ms of audio signal.

**The noise (wrong peaks) also comes from clipping of the added sine waves!**

### Spectrum *without window function* on samples
Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible but also some noise.
![Visualization of spectrum 0-4000Hz of layered sine signal (50, 1000, 3777 Hz)) with no window function.](res/spectrum_sine_waves_50_1000_3777hz--no-window.png "Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible but also some noise.")

### Spectrum with *Hann window function* on samples before FFT
Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible and Hann window reduces noise a little bit. Because this example has few noise, you don't see much difference.
![Visualization of spectrum 0-4000Hz of layered sine signal (50, 1000, 3777 Hz)) with Hann window function.](res/spectrum_sine_waves_50_1000_3777hz--hann-window.png "Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible and Hann window reduces noise a little bit. Because this example has few noise, you don't see much difference.")

### Spectrum with *Hamming window function* on samples before FFT
Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible and Hamming window reduces noise a little bit. Because this example has few noise, you don't see much difference.
![Visualization of spectrum 0-4000Hz of layered sine signal (50, 1000, 3777 Hz)) with Hamming window function.](res/spectrum_sine_waves_50_1000_3777hz--hamming-window.png "Peaks (50, 1000, 3777 Hz) are clearly visible and Hamming window reduces noise a little bit. Because this example has few noise, you don't see much difference.")

## Live Audio + Spectrum Visualization
Execute example `$ cargo run --release --example live-visualization`. It will show you
how you can visualize audio data in realtime + the current spectrum.

![Example visualization of real-time audio + spectrum analysis](res/live_demo_spectrum_green_day_holiday.gif "Example visualization of real-time audio + spectrum analysis")

## Building and Executing Tests
To execute tests you need the package `libfreetype6-dev` (on Ubuntu/Debian). This is required because
not all tests are "automatic unit tests" but also tests that you need to check visually, by looking at the
generated diagram of the spectrum.

## Trivia / FAQ
### Why f64 and no f32?
I tested f64 but the additional accuracy doesn't pay out the ~40% calculation overhead (on x86_64).
### What can I do against the noise?
Apply a window function, like Hann window or Hamming window. But I'm not an expert on this.

## Good resources with more information
- Interpreting FFT Results: https://www.gaussianwaves.com/2015/11/interpreting-fft-results-complex-dft-frequency-bins-and-fftshift/
- FFT basic concepts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7X6jgFnB6Y
- „The Fundamentals of FFT-Based Signal Analysis and Measurement“ https://www.sjsu.edu/people/burford.furman/docs/me120/FFT_tutorial_NI.pdf
- Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) and Windowing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCeHOf4cJE0

Also check out my blog post! https://phip1611.de/2021/03/programmierung-und-skripte/frequency-spectrum-analysis-with-fft-in-rust/