spectrum-analyzer 0.5.2

A simple and fast `no_std` library to get the frequency spectrum of a digital signal (e.g. audio) using FFT. It follows the KISS principle and consists of simple building blocks/optional features.
## How to use FFT to get a frequency spectrum?

This library is full of additional and useful links and comments about how an FFT result 
can be used to get a frequency spectrum. In this document I want to give a short introduction 
where inside the code you can find specific things.

**TL;DR:** Although this crate has 1400 lines of code, **the part which gets the frequency and
their values from the FFT is small and simple**. Most of the code is related to my convenient 
abstraction over the FFT result including several getters, transform/scaling functions, and

**I don't explain how FFT works but how you use the result!**
If you want to understand that too:

- check out all links provided [at the end of README.md]/README.md
- look into `lib.rs` (**probalby gives you 90 percent of the things you want to know**) 
  and the comments over the FFT abstraction in `src/fft/mod.rs` and 

This is everything important you need. Everything inside 
 `spectrum.rs` and the other files is just convenient stuff + tests for when you 
want to use this crate in your program.