specs_declaration 0.3.0

A simple macro to effectively create SPECS systems.
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# SPECS Declaration
A simple macro to effectively create [SPECS](https://github.com/amethyst/specs/) systems.

## Adding To Your Project
Add the following to your Cargo.toml file:
specs_declaration = "*"

## Usage

- system!
- Give the name of the system and, optionally, the generic parameters
- Give the content of your usual SystemData, in the form of a closure
- Write your operations as if you were in the usual run(&self, params..) function of the System

use specs::*;

system!(SystemName, |velocity: WriteStorage<'a, Velocity>| {
    for vel in (&velocity,).join() {
        println!("velocity: {}, {}, {}", vel.x, vel.y, vel.z);

With generics:

use specs::*;

system!(SystemName<T: Debug + Send + Sync + 'static>, |my_resource: Read<'a, T>, velocity: WriteStorage<'a, Velocity>| {
    println!("My Generic Resource: {:?}", my_resource);

    for vel in (&velocity,).join() {
        println!("velocity: {}, {}, {}", vel.x, vel.y, vel.z);

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