spdx 0.10.0

Helper crate for SDPX expressions
mod minimize;
mod parser;

use crate::LicenseReq;
pub use minimize::MinimizeError;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::fmt;

/// A license requirement inside an SPDX license expression, including
/// the span in the expression where it is located
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ExpressionReq {
    pub req: LicenseReq,
    pub span: std::ops::Range<u32>,

impl PartialEq for ExpressionReq {
    fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
        self.req == o.req

/// The joining operators supported by SPDX 2.1
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Operator {

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExprNode {

/// An SPDX license expression that is both syntactically and semantically valid,
/// and can be evaluated
/// ```
/// use spdx::Expression;
/// let this_is_fine = Expression::parse("MIT OR Apache-2.0").unwrap();
/// assert!(this_is_fine.evaluate(|req| {
///     if let spdx::LicenseItem::Spdx { id, .. } = req.license {
///         // Both MIT and Apache-2.0 are OSI approved, so this expression
///         // evaluates to true
///         return id.is_osi_approved();
///     }
///    false
/// }));
/// assert!(!this_is_fine.evaluate(|req| {
///     if let spdx::LicenseItem::Spdx { id, .. } = req.license {
///         // This is saying we don't accept any licenses that are OSI approved
///         // so the expression will evaluate to false as both sides of the OR
///         // are now rejected
///         return !id.is_osi_approved();
///     }
///     false
/// }));
/// // `NOPE` is not a valid SPDX license identifier, so this expression
/// // will fail to parse
/// let _this_is_not = Expression::parse("MIT OR NOPE").unwrap_err();
/// ```
pub struct Expression {
    pub(crate) expr: SmallVec<[ExprNode; 5]>,
    // We keep the original string around for display purposes only
    pub(crate) original: String,

impl Expression {
    /// Returns each of the license requirements in the license expression,
    /// but not the operators that join them together
    /// ```
    /// let expr = spdx::Expression::parse("MIT AND BSD-2-Clause").unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     &expr.requirements().map(|er| er.req.license.id()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[
    ///         spdx::license_id("MIT"),
    ///         spdx::license_id("BSD-2-Clause")
    ///     ]
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn requirements(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ExpressionReq> {
        self.expr.iter().filter_map(|item| match item {
            ExprNode::Req(req) => Some(req),
            ExprNode::Op(_op) => None,

    /// Returns both the license requirements and the operators that join them
    /// together. Note that the expression is returned in post fix order.
    /// ```
    /// use spdx::expression::{ExprNode, Operator};
    /// let expr = spdx::Expression::parse("Apache-2.0 OR MIT").unwrap();
    /// let mut ei = expr.iter();
    /// assert!(ei.next().is_some()); // Apache
    /// assert!(ei.next().is_some()); // MIT
    /// assert_eq!(*ei.next().unwrap(), ExprNode::Op(Operator::Or));
    /// ```
    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ExprNode> {

    /// Evaluates the expression, using the provided function to determine if the
    /// licensee meets the requirements for each license term. If enough requirements are
    /// satisfied the evaluation will return true.
    /// ```
    /// use spdx::Expression;
    /// let this_is_fine = Expression::parse("MIT OR Apache-2.0").unwrap();
    /// assert!(this_is_fine.evaluate(|req| {
    ///     // If we find MIT, then we're happy!
    ///     req.license.id() == spdx::license_id("MIT")
    /// }));
    /// ```
    pub fn evaluate<AF: FnMut(&LicenseReq) -> bool>(&self, mut allow_func: AF) -> bool {
        let mut result_stack = SmallVec::<[bool; 8]>::new();

        // We store the expression as postfix, so just evaluate each license
        // requirement in the order it comes, and then combining the previous
        // results according to each operator as it comes
        for node in self.expr.iter() {
            match node {
                ExprNode::Req(req) => {
                    let allowed = allow_func(&req.req);
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::Or) => {
                    let a = result_stack.pop().unwrap();
                    let b = result_stack.pop().unwrap();

                    result_stack.push(a || b);
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::And) => {
                    let a = result_stack.pop().unwrap();
                    let b = result_stack.pop().unwrap();

                    result_stack.push(a && b);


    /// Just as with evaluate, the license expression is evaluated to see if
    /// enough license requirements in the expresssion are met for the evaluation
    /// to succeed, except this method also keeps track of each failed requirement
    /// and returns them, allowing for more detailed error reporting about precisely
    /// what terms in the expression caused the overall failure
    pub fn evaluate_with_failures<AF: FnMut(&LicenseReq) -> bool>(
        mut allow_func: AF,
    ) -> Result<(), Vec<&ExpressionReq>> {
        let mut result_stack = SmallVec::<[bool; 8]>::new();
        let mut failures = Vec::new();

        // We store the expression as postfix, so just evaluate each license
        // requirement in the order it comes, and then combining the previous
        // results according to each operator as it comes
        for node in self.expr.iter() {
            match node {
                ExprNode::Req(req) => {
                    let allowed = allow_func(&req.req);

                    if !allowed {
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::Or) => {
                    let a = result_stack.pop().unwrap();
                    let b = result_stack.pop().unwrap();

                    result_stack.push(a || b);
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::And) => {
                    let a = result_stack.pop().unwrap();
                    let b = result_stack.pop().unwrap();

                    result_stack.push(a && b);

        if let Some(false) = result_stack.pop() {
        } else {

impl AsRef<str> for Expression {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {

impl fmt::Debug for Expression {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        for (i, node) in self.expr.iter().enumerate() {
            if i > 0 {
                f.write_str(" ")?;

            match node {
                ExprNode::Req(req) => write!(f, "{}", req.req)?,
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::And) => f.write_str("AND")?,
                ExprNode::Op(Operator::Or) => f.write_str("OR")?,


impl fmt::Display for Expression {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {

impl PartialEq for Expression {
    fn eq(&self, o: &Self) -> bool {
        // The expressions can be semantically the same but not
        // syntactically the same, if the user wants to compare
        // the raw expressions they can just do a string compare
        if self.expr.len() != o.expr.len() {
            return false;

        !self.expr.iter().zip(o.expr.iter()).any(|(a, b)| a != b)

mod test {
    use super::Expression;

    fn eq() {
        let normal = Expression::parse("MIT OR Apache-2.0").unwrap();
        let extra_parens = Expression::parse("(MIT OR (Apache-2.0))").unwrap();
        let llvm_exc = Expression::parse("MIT OR Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception").unwrap();

        assert_eq!(normal, normal);
        assert_eq!(extra_parens, extra_parens);
        assert_eq!(llvm_exc, llvm_exc);

        assert_eq!(normal, extra_parens);

        assert_ne!(normal, llvm_exc);