spdlog-rs 0.3.7

A fast and combinable Rust logging crate, inspired by the C++ logging library spdlog
use std::{ffi::OsStr, iter::once};

use crate::{
    sink::{helper, Sink},
    Record, Result, StringBuf,

/// A sink with a win32 API `OutputDebugStringW` as the target.
pub struct WinDebugSink {
    common_impl: helper::CommonImpl,

impl WinDebugSink {
    /// Constructs a builder of `WinDebugSink`.
    pub fn builder() -> WinDebugSinkBuilder {
        WinDebugSinkBuilder {
            common_builder_impl: helper::CommonBuilderImpl::new(),

    /// Constructs a `WinDebugSink`.
        since = "0.3.0",
        note = "it may be removed in the future, use `WinDebugSink::builder()` instead"
    pub fn new() -> WinDebugSink {

impl Sink for WinDebugSink {
    fn log(&self, record: &Record) -> Result<()> {
        #[cfg(windows)] // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/97976
        use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;

        if !self.should_log(record.level()) {
            return Ok(());

        let mut string_buf = StringBuf::new();
            .format(record, &mut string_buf)?;

        let wide: Vec<u16> = OsStr::new(&string_buf)
        let wide = wide.as_ptr();

        unsafe { winapi::um::debugapi::OutputDebugStringW(wide) }


    fn flush(&self) -> Result<()> {

    helper::common_impl!(@Sink: common_impl);

/// The builder of [`WinDebugSink`].
/// # Examples
/// - Building a [`WinDebugSink`].
///   ```
///   use spdlog::{prelude::*, sink::WinDebugSink};
///   # fn main() -> Result<(), spdlog::Error> {
///   let sink: WinDebugSink = WinDebugSink::builder()
///       .level_filter(LevelFilter::MoreSevere(Level::Info)) // optional
///       .build()?;
///   # Ok(()) }
///   ```
pub struct WinDebugSinkBuilder {
    common_builder_impl: helper::CommonBuilderImpl,

impl WinDebugSinkBuilder {
    helper::common_impl!(@SinkBuilder: common_builder_impl);

    /// Builds a [`WinDebugSink`].
    pub fn build(self) -> Result<WinDebugSink> {
        let sink = WinDebugSink {
            common_impl: helper::CommonImpl::from_builder(self.common_builder_impl),