spawnflake 0.1.3

random data generator

🐙❄️ Spawnflake Rust

Spawnflake generates random data for relational databases. This is still in its early stages. What it does so far:

  • generate data for mysql tables
  • supports simple foreign key relationships (non unique foreign keys)
  • supports varchar and int types
  • varchar types can be configured with specific patterns in the configuration file (config.json) else they will have random strings
  • configuration now supports integers, anything not in the configuration file will generate a random number from 0 to 2147483647

breaking changes

  • O.1.1 configuration is not backwards compatible with O.1.0
  • O.1.3 uses the schema from the configuration and does not allow a custom value

Running the example

Running the example requires to run docker-compose inside the test folder. Obviously you need

  • docker
  • an sql client/ or a way to access the mysql cli (so as to see the generated records)
  • cargo run --example generate


You are more than welcome. All you need to do is a pull request